I’ve been using ViddyUp! for a while to convert YouTube and other flv video files to Itunes videos. But it’s started running into problems and Splasm hasn’t produced an update in years, so I’m looking for other options. Any suggestions?
Works about 86.3% of the time for me overall (though 100% from Youtube).
That one doesn’t seem to support Mac OS
Replay Media Catcher has worked well for me. 100% on youtube and most other sites I’ve tried.
Free Trial
One tip. You need to capture the vid the first time you view. Once it’s already in your cache this kind of software will miss it. You can still close Firefox (to clear cache) and start over.
I guess I should have made clear that I’m using a Mac. That one also seems to be a Windows-only application.
If you use firefox, its very easy. As youtube now has M4V (Ipod Compatible ) files natively available, you just need a Add-on which allow you to see those links.
I’ve personally used the Video DownloadHelper With great success.
It just sits on your menu bar, and on supported sites you can just click on the icon to see the vairous formats available. On Youtube you usually see four formats, Flv, Flv HQ, M4v and M4v HQ. Just chose one of the m4v formats and it should be compatible with your iPod.
I’m on a mac, and had trouble finding any that worked well and cheaply until I discovered Tooble.
For anyone who was using iSquint or VisualHub, the code was given over to an opensource group and is now available as VideoMonkey.
Try this.
Go to the YouTube video you want, say
Replace the “y” in the url with a “3” like this
You will be given the opportunity to download the video as either a .mp4 or .flv file. You should be easily able to get it to an iPod from there.
Do you actually want to watch the Youtube video on the iPod, or is the objective to just have the music from the video on the iPod?
I just did this yesterday to convert a YouTube video to an MP3 file for my iPod. I just wanted the audio, but this would work for a video too. And this was on my MacBook.
First, go to that Keepvid link in the first reply. Download the biggest MP4 file available.
Next, download MPEG Streamclip and drag the video onto the MPEG Streamclip application. Once it opens up, you’ll find a bunch of options under the file menu for exporting the video to a format of your choice.
DVD Videosoft Free Studio has a few programs that can do this, along with other neat stuff.
The company that makes this, Applian Technologies, produces a whole range of products for this sort of thing. I have not tried Media Catcher, but I have been using their Replay AV, which should also do what you want, for years now. (I use it mainly for audio stream capture, but it works for video too.) I am not sure what the difference between the two products is, but you could browse their site.
This is what I use, but I can’t tell if it’s Mac-compatible. The website is light on details.
I don’t just want to be able to play it on my Ipod. I want to be able to manipulate it and sort it with all the other files in my Itunes. As I said in my OP, currently I’m using ViddyUp to convert flv files to items in my Itunes database.
I want to be able to watch the video.
I have used TubeSock but it’s not free.
Youtube to MP3 converter
However that is for video to audio conversions.
I’m trying Tooble. Seems to be working well so far.
Go me!
Will any of these work in the opposite direction? As in, I have some itunes video files that I want to convert so I can burn them onto a DVD that is playable in a standard DVD player?