Display and sales of the confederate flag are touchy these days. Some folks view it as a symbol of southern pride and history while others view it as a symbol of racism and oppression.
So, what is an iconic symbol, preferably something that’ll go on a flag, that southern folks can point to as a symbol of pride without it being so widely offensive? I’ve already thought of some of the joke-y items such as Waffle House sign or a bowl o’ grits. But otherwise, I’m stumped.
Why must there be Southern pride? No other region of the US has it’s own flag–you hear about New Englanders, and their pride in things like their architecture, clam bakes, lobsters, but they never had their own flag.
The flippin Civil War ended generations before anyone alive was born. It’s fine to study it for history, and learn from its mistakes, but for cryin’ out loud, stop living it. It’s over.
I was born and raised in southwestern Virginia, and all through the 60s, there was an awful lot of the cartoon rebel general with the flag and the caption “Forget? Hell!” It was on posters and lighters and all sorts of other stuff.
The South has a proud history of racism and oppression and the Confederate flag says it all.
They didn’t realize they were wrong, apologize, and surrender; they lost the war and were forced to stop keeping people as slaves. Why is anyone surprised that the hearts and minds of the people didn’t all embrace the change?
Do they need a symbol of Southern Pride? I like living near Seattle. I think the culture around here suits me better than most places I’ve lived I don’t need a flag, however. I think when you’re trying to understand why Southern Pride is even a thing, you get to the root of the problem.
Anyway, most southern states have football teams they’re proud of. They can use that outlet. Go Hawks!
I would draw a white hand shaking a black hand and use that as the symbol of pride. Pride in the future we can build, not pride in the mistakes of the past.