What did I just see in the Nutty Prof. 2 Trailer?!?

Okay, there was a discussion a while back about the content of Scary Movie:
Question for those who have seen Scary Movie
I have recently seen the trailer for Nutty Professor 2. Now, while it may be a very funny movie, and there’s plenty of room for gross-out humour in a movie if that’s where you want the humour to come from, this is just the trailer. This is playing all the time, and there is some very suggestive stuff going on in the trailer:

Grandma Klump disrobing completely
Grandma Klump going down on Buddy Love in a hot tub (after taking out her dentures)
A giant hamster apparently gives it to a guy in a hamster suit (if you catch my meaning)

Now, I’m not one to complain about gross-out humour. Heck, I enjoy it on a regular basis when watching movies. But geez, this is just the commercial for the movie. This is something that might come on while I’m eating supper (when I am not prepared for it). Aren’t there any limits as to what you can show from a movie in a trailer? I mean, while very funny, I don’t remember seeing the “hair gel” scene from There’s Something About Mary in the commercial for it.

I do. But you’re right; that’s not appropriate.