What do I want for Christmas?

This is silly. My mother-in-law called the other day and asked me to e-mail her a list of things I want for Christmas. The problem is, if I want something, I usually just pick it up myself (my husband is the same way) so I don’t really have anything to ask for. I’m pretty content, actually. The only thing I can think of that I want right now is new tires for my car, but I don’t think the in-laws will want to send those in the mail.

I like Harry Potter, running in 5/10k races, my cats, reading books, doing needlework, and baking. I also like stupid fun gadget toys. I like 1940s vintage stuff.

What are some things I could ask for, for Christmas?

Automatic feeders/waterers for the cats? We just got them for our dogs and I’m really happy with them – I’m really bad about forgetting to fill the water dish continuously, and now they have a good supply when they need it. They’re pretty cheap, too. I think we paid about $25 each for a food bowl and a water bowl.

Some muffin tins or baking sheets? I constantly burn and ruin mine, so I’ll take those any day of the week.

A sewing basket? Some sewing patterns from the 1940s?

New sneakers or a heart rate monitor?

A subscription to The Sun or The Literary Review? Runner’s World?

I never need anything either. One year I asked for steak knives. You don’t realize how dull the ones you use are until you get new ones.

Just an idea.

Oh. You’re one of those people. I’ll try not to hold it against you.

How 'bout some of those nifty silicone baking dishes? They seem like they’d be much easier to clean and less likely to burn yourself on than traditional metal ones. I hate washing the muffin tin–stuff always sticks, no matter how well you grease it, and it’s usually a real bitch getting the cups completely clean.

Or maybe some of those decorative cake pans? I always thought those were cool, although I’d never actually use one. Cake decorating supplies? It’s a pretty cool skill to learn if you’re so inclined, and would complement your baking hobby nicely.

Gift certificates to fabric or craft stores, or specific tools that would be handy? If you do fine work, do you have one of those bright-ass lamps with the magnifying glass? Dr.J got me one last Christmas, and it’s really handy for detail-type work, although getting such a device would never have occurred to me.

A cat tree/condo type thing? One of those cat hammock things that hooks onto the windowsill? New cat beds? A cat herb garden kit? Travel gear for the cats? (Hey, one of the best gifts I ever got was a seatbelt for Dolly the Vicious Attack Hound.)

A membership in a Book-of-the-month type thing, maybe? Gift certificate to a bookstore?

I think you should ask for all the seasons of Xena on DVD!

How about www.iwantoneofthose.com