What's Santa Claus bringing you?

It is just about that time, kids. What do you want for Christmas? And let’s keep it reasonable…unless you’re close personal friends with Bill Gates, please don’t ask for a new Porsche 911 Targa.

Me? I’d like some new Calaphon cookware.

Ahhhh… too early… too early!!!

[sub]Hopefully an NForce… I’ve been good this year.[/sub]

I want a garage door opener with a number pad for remoteless entry. Then if I forgot my key, I could just punch a few numbers and get in.

Is that too much to ask??

Most likely …
Urban Decay Midnight Cowboy eyeshadow
Alannah Hill clothes

In my dreams …
A digital camera
A mannequin
A pony

Sawhorses… from Sears Hardware…

You have no IDEA how much I want these!

I’ve got a b-day this month as well, so I just prepared my list over the weekend. I’ve requested/suggested:
a harmonica (always wanted to learn)
electric fencing gear (2 foils, lame, and cord)
bag for fencing gear
long sleeved shirts to wear to work
dress socks
underwear (jockeys, boxers, v-necked and dago tees) I’m gonna be a whole new me all under).
Pretty exciting, huh?

Remember when you were a kid and you were pissed if you got clothes, especially socks and underwear? These days, the major component of the present is keeping me from having to go clothes shopping.

Wow I’m old. I read that and said, you know I could use some new electric fence gear for Xmas. Our new pony is making a mockery of our current electric fence. Maybe I could get something with a “Fear of God” setting on it.

Other than that, I’m going to wish for a new matress set. Our current one is too old and way too noisy.

And if there’s money leftover for toys, maybe an Intel Pro PC Camera (I want it mainly for it’s video connection so I can digitize home movies).

Jeez. And I thought I was the only one who thought of these things.

I’m looking for:
a new watch, one that is slightly dressy
some new tennis shoes
jeans (you can never have too many pairs)
some nice sheets, with an outrageously high thread count

I really, really want:
A new video card for the linux box
A larger monitor
A cd burner

I’ve been dropping hints to the SO that I really want one of those things, you know, they fit on your finger? Oh yeah, a ring. But I think that will probably come a little later. :slight_smile:

new socks. I like thick warm socks in colors. Not white, not black, and grey is a last resort.

a new pair of running shoes. I use them for work so my feet don’t hurt after standing all day.

a nice earring for my spare hole. I have three earrings that I love. I went out and got a second set of holes drilled in my ears. Now I have four holes and three beloved earrings.

bedding I got a new bed this year, queen size, and I have no real sheets and blankets for it. I’d love a set or two of deep jewel tone sheets and pillowcases and a pile of white or cream blankets.

In my Dreams:
Handheld Software I would really like to be able to have Excel and Word with me at all times. I like spreadsheets and I use my handheld as a walking journal, which I then upload onto my livejournal when I get home again. mmm…toy.

A girlie makeover Not sure what exactly, but I’m think at some point in time I should have someone with a clue teach me how to be a girl. on the off chance I ever want to wear makeup, I need to learn how. And I wouldn’t mind someone doing something fun with my hair. (White streaks? a new style that is just as easy to take care of but new? Something.) The salon down my street offers gift certificates and I have made friends with a few of the very nice people who work there. I think it could be fun.

A new handheld drool. About all I can say. And as long as I’m dreaming, drop the MP3 player in with it, thanks.

either a new computer or someone with a clue making mine sane My computer has had the misfortune of living with me for almost three years now. I have touched it just about every day. I don’t fault it for going insane, but its little habits are getting annoying.

internet acess that works DSL that is on all of the time.

a magical benefactor who decides to buy all of my books for my next term.
Yup, I’m a greedy child.

The top of my list used to be a Rangers jersey, but since the Rangers made the most ill-conceived move possible with the Lindros trade and they aren’t getting any of our money, the following will have to suffice…

Breadmaker - I love bread. Lots of different kinds of bread. I go through lots of bread. And lots of butter. And the smell of baking bread… mmmmm…

CD-RW - I’m still in the dark ages here with a CD-ROM whose speed I’m not sure I even want to remember any more. Plus, I have so many things sitting on my hard drive just WAITING to get out!

DVD Player - Yeah, I’m in the dark ages here too. Ideally, I’d like one of those DVD/VCRs. My VCR is dying a slow, horrible death and I think it will need replacing as well. Why not all in one?

New Sheet Set/Bed-in-a-bag - I’ve got the new bed, but not nearly enough sheets for it.

I think there’s been a lot more that I’ve mentioned to lurker over the past couple of months in my “Ooh, honey!” moments, but I can’t think of them at the moment. As I’m looking through the ads, I’m sure more will come to mind…

I would like:

  • The new Garth Brooks album, Scarecrow
  • The new Gary Allan album - I don’t know the name of it, but there’s a Gary Allan song on the radio that I don’t already own, so he must have a new one out
  • A soft and fuzzy sweater
  • Sneakers
  • A sewing machine - not a full-sized one, just a little one that can do straight and zig-zag stitches
  • A big huge fluffy towel, a royal blue one, the kind that are like 60" long
  • A CD rewriter
  • Money!!

I already know that I’m getting my grandmother’s car (I was supposed to be getting my OWN car back, but no! My parents are going to sell my Z24 Cavalier and I get stuck with a horrible, ugly-colored, scratched-up-because-Grammy-doesn’t-know-how-to-park Reliant), and I think my parents are giving me some vintage Fiestaware - they told me they’re going to start me a collection of same, so I have dishes when I start out on my own.

My birthday is the eleventh day of Christmas (that’d be January 5), so I get to have presents TWICE! :smiley:

Hmmmmm. Good question. I don’t need anything, really. Maybe a gift certificate for a good haircut (I am so overdue). Or an updated version of Printmaster.

Oh, maybe a Tivo? All my friends who have one claim they cannot live without it.

I’ll just do what I did last year: Go through the Talbot’s catalog and circle some things for my MIL to buy for me. Then go through the Coldwater Creek catalog and circle some things for my husband to buy for me. Do an Amazon.com wish list for my brothers-in-law to choose from. Voila. My family doesn’t do gifts anymore, much to my relief.

I forgot: I want cameras!!! I want a digital camera for instant gratification, but I also want an Olympus REAL camera where I can adjust the shutter speed and everything to take nifty artsy pics. I don’t remember most of the stuff I learned when I took photography in high school, but Gunslinger said he’d reteach me. I want cameras!

I saw a really pretty fountain that I’m hoping for. It will probably be from my bunnies, rather than Santa though.