What do you appreciate in an SD poster?

See subject. Besides looks. Mention forum(s) you have in mind.

I can’t think of a thread that is so ATMB and IMHO. Mods, start your epistemological engines.

Of course, it could always fall into the Pit.

Good sentence structure?

A sense of humor coupled with informed opinion, and, hopefully, a sense of orthography.

I like different posters for different reasons.

I like PSXer especially because I know I’m going to find a gem of a post almost every time. Not because it’s witty or well written or even clever. Just always amusing and inflaming.

I like some posters like Martin Hyde who I disagree with politically, but who are EXTREMELY intelligent posters who make extremely intelligent posts about topics with which I am either not as familiar as I should be, or feel like I want to learn more about regardless.

I like posters like Vinyl Turnip, elucidator, Drunky Smurf and Bob Ducca for clever, witty retorts.

I like Der Trihs, Clothahump, Shodan (to a lesser extent) for inciteful posts that are ridiculously over the top and full of anger and passion.

I like adaher for… wait no, never mind.

I also enjoy individual posters for specialty knowledge or interests they bring to the board. Prof Pepperwinkle’s knowledge of art is amazing and I love hearing it. Panache’s history in gay culture and gay life in America is great too, and always love his posts on those anecdotes.

Wait I remember why I liked adaher, OMG A Black Conservative, and their ilk. I like them because of the responses OTHER people come up with to argue against their inane points of view and “facts.”

I also enjoy posters for their witty, clever sign offs or signature phrases.

So, let’s all go down to the quarry and regards, God Bless You Always!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

iiandyiiii & Human Action - well reasoned and well infomed.
Great Sun Jester - lots of heart and just the right amount of crazy.
John Mace - wrong side of the political aisle but not always wrong.
tomndebb - pretty smart, for a mod. :stuck_out_tongue:
Czarcasm - for his interrogative style.
Kayaker & Vinyl Turnip - those two fuckers always have a clever and pithy response.

Plenty of others as well, but these are the ones that come immediately to mind.

Fixed the title for you, Leo.


I like people that dot their i’s and cross their t’s and don’t leave themselves open to ridicule very often … which is not me :slight_smile:

I appreciate the average Doper’s skill in written English communication, willingness and ability to discuss everything from the mundane to the transcendent, and general human decency.

That said, my favorite posters are mouthy broads with a wicked sense of humor, like colander, Shot From Guns, lobstermobster, and MeanOldLady (though sadly, only MOL is still around, it seems).

This is my current favorite post:

Wow! colander is a broad?



Humor. Particularly regarding clever wordplay and the best kinds of silliness.

Knowing how to converse and contribute without being a nitpicking dick.

I appreciate a poster who follows up on their post.

When you’ve spent half an hour trying to find a solution to a problem or a way to do something, it’s nice to hear how it worked out for them, whether your answer was right or wrong, or if there was a better way to solve the problem.

This, definitely!

I also like posters that can “agree to disagree” with others, if opinions aren’t shared.
There are a few posters that seem to think other posters are subhuman idiots if their politics, religious (non)/beliefs, or similar ideas don’t match.

Paragraph breaks - there must be paragraph breaks. Nothing makes my eyes cross like huge, earnest walls of text.

Being able to use a comma is nice, too, but paragraph breaks are essential.