I have noticed that not all extracurricular activities are considered hobbies. Like, if you do a lot of reading of mystery novels in your spare time, you can talk about that as a hobby around most people without rising any eyebrows. But if you say you watch a lot of reality TV in your spare time, I dunno. I don’t think most people (including me) consider TV-watching to be a real hobby.
But why? This is just snobbery, right?
One of my favorite past times is taking long walks around town. Over the past few weeks, I have supplemented my foot travel with electric scootering. I get totally different yet wonderful experiences from these two activities. But for some reason, I don’t feel as eager to claim “riding my scooter” as a hobby as I do “talking long walks.” I don’t know why I feel like this, but I do.
So what do you consider a hobby? And what activities would you not consider to be a real hobby, however you want to define “real”?
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