What are your hobbies?

Fairly simple question.

Me: Performing music, social-dance, yoga, running / cardio exercise are my most steady consistent hobbies. Health and music are where it’s at for me.

How about you?

I collect antique cameos.

I build primitive bows and arrows and comptete in flight shooting. I also play with my bonsai trees, woodworking and what I call creative thinking and writing.

I blow glass.

My specialty is small, thick-walled, asymmetric, crabbed, yet stunted pieces of shit.

I figure another 30 years or so, and I’ll get the hang of things.

I write - mainly fictional short stories and the odd poem or two. I also play music, and make the occasional foray into songwriting, but I’m way too chicken to perform live.


Drawing, writing, local history, historical reenacting, perennial gardening/herb gardening, magic, puppetry, 1/12 scale room boxes, reading.

I have the world’s largest collection of seashells, I keep it on all the beaches of the world. Perhaps you’ve seen it.

Some of it.

I admire many of your display cases.

Home brewing and slow cooked, smoked BBQ.

I just bottled five gallons of Belgian Dubbel style homebrew this weekend. Unfinished, un-carbonated samples tasted promising. I bottled a few early taste 12oz bottles, but I won’t touch the bulk of the batch (in 1L bottles) for at least a month. It already spent 2 months in primary and secondary fermentation, though I probably could have bottled a week or two ago.

Smoking meat is a much more immediate gratification, if immediate gratification allows 8-12 hours for pork shoulders or beef briskets, plus another hour or two to rest. Pork or beef ribs can be done in 3-5 hours but low temps and long cook times are necessary for smoking. I also grill other cuts of meat over charcoal or propane (and propane accessories). I call that grilling but have no quarrel with those who call it BBQ.

So, I guess unhealthy food and drink are where it’s at for me.

Playing chess, reading, listening to music, art, travel, movies.

I work and sleep. In 30 years or so I hope to have hobbies.

I like to take pictures in Second Life and post them on Tumblr. I’m not very good at editing but it’s gotten better since I started. I also like to build houses but I’m just learning.

Pretty much every hobby I enjoy is on the internet. So I guess that’s my hobby. I internet. A lot.

Fishing, hunting, making the gear to do both including my own rods and firearms, history, reading, amusement parks, The Dope, home-grown vodka, Russian coins, and a few more not hitting my active grey cell right now. Oh – motorcycles too.

kopek seriously? Home-grown vodka? One of my hobbies is drinking. How do you make it?

If I have to pick one, it’s photography–mostly portraiture and events. I think I am about as serious about photography as I have ever been about anything else.

I think jazz guitar is taking a hiatus for a while. But the cool thing is that woodworking is coming back in after being on the back burner for 10 years, and I just volunteered to make a custom cross out of walnut for the front of our church.

Running is perhaps the only consistent hobby of mine, with the same fixed mileage goal every week for the past ten years.

Others include home improvement and sketching/drawing.

Just had our kitchen remodeled and now I’m inspired to learn how to cook. I am so inept that I can burn water, so this should be a fresh and exciting new hobby.

Illegally. Probably not a topic that will get far here. Home brewing and wine making are legal in the US, distilling isn’t. I don’t necessarily agree with laws that make home distilling illegal, but they exist.

Quilting, other needlework.

I make 1:12 and 1:48 dollhouses and room boxes. I like Zentangle, but my hand shakes a bit so the lines are a bit wobbly. Origami, I’m closing in on my 1,000th crane. I knit dolls for charity. I love the sense of freedom I get from riding my bike. And the way my world shrinks down when I’m walking my dog.

I could say “The SCA” but that would not really convey the breadth of activity there, from cooking medieval food to sewing Elizabethan garb to dancing the saltarello to making jeweled coronets to waxing boiled leather botteils to brewing metheglin to snartermo tablet weaving to Commedia del arte to diapered gilding…

I also LARP, Lego and paint.

I am a lapidarist.
I grow food plants but mostly not ones of the typical er…variety.
I loom knit.
I collect rabbit stuff (surprising yes :wink: ) including one live one but she will shortly move from being a hobby into a volunteer gig via pets as therapy.
I have had a go at nearly every art/craft type thing out there but those are the ones I am currently obsessed with.