I call my older son (5 yrs) ‘silly banana’, at times. He grumbles and corrects me: “Silly GRAPE. Daddy is a silly banana, you are a silly peach, and Brendan is a silly avocado!” (apparently we have to be the fruit we like best) He’s got a good ‘Jeez, don’t you remember anything?’ look. I think he was born with that one ready to go. He certainly used it on us a lot in his first two years.
Or, I say, “Guess what?” He asks what, and I say, “I love you.” Then I say, “Guess what else?” He asks what, I say, “I love you.” Repeat until he either starts laughing at me, or shakes his head at my silliness, or leaves, or any combination of the above. But he generally leaves with a smile, even then. I’m betting this will really REALLY bug him when he’s a teen.
Tummy tuba. I will not actively hold him down if he’s really fighting me on it, because I remember the abject terror of being held down to be tickled or have my tummy blown on as a young kid. It was horrible, far worse than the ‘funny torment’ my parents thought it was, and made me feel humiliated and powerless - I laughed because it tickled, but it wasn’t funny at all. Pretty miserable experience, there - I still get nauseated remembering it. However, the game itself is still a classic, and just attempting to tummy tuba him is sufficient to torment him within acceptable bounds, as long as I let him get away if he’s really trying… and sometimes it works out that I actually do get to tummy tuba him. At which point, I give him the evil parental grin, and he gives me his practice version of the ‘oh, MOM’ look. :rolleyes: He’ll be pretty good at it by the time he’s a teen, I suspect.
For Brendan (younger son, 18 months old), I simply prevent him from disassembling the house. That’s more than enough torment to have him throwing screaming, throwing himself on the floor fits five times a day. I think he got two copies of the engineer gene, and has plans for building something better than whatever we’ve got, if only I’d let him take it apart properly first…