Men are soooo yummy! I like their hairy chests, the stubble on their faces when they first wake up in the mornings, how they’re big and muscular…etc., etc., etc.
What do you like about men?
Men are soooo yummy! I like their hairy chests, the stubble on their faces when they first wake up in the mornings, how they’re big and muscular…etc., etc., etc.
What do you like about men?
Their ability to stay calm, or at least pretend to stay calm.
The way their dress shirts fall on their wrists when they’ve been rolled over once.
The spread of their clavicles aka collar bones-just the right size for my head.
(usually) their not having to micro-analyze every little thing (unless I want/need to do so, then forget it).
the very beginnings of stubble.
Deep voices. Hairy chests. Muscular heft. Warmth. Strength. Men all shined up for the day in a suit and tie. Tugging on his tie to lean in and kiss him. Nice belts. Men who build campfires. Men who cook. Men who fix things. Men with the beginnings of grey in their temples. Men who smell like leather jackets, and clean-from-the-shower. Men who love their dogs.
What’s not to like?
Ooh–the tugging on the tie thingy-yes!
And a guy in a suit that fits, with the tie slightly loosened…yum.
Savannah, I wish women would like me for my body hair, warmth, looks in a suit, snappy belt wardrobe, grey temples, leather jacket odor, and ability to build a fire, cook, and love dogs.
Unfortunately, I’m not muscular, only modestly strong, can’t fix anything that isn’t a saxophone or a clarinet, and although I love dogs, I go nuts over cats.
I find one or more of these things is usually a deal-breaker. Also, I’m a little too verbal to make a woman really think “man.”
The way they walk, the way they smell, the way they’re willing to stand out in the rain and cold to fix a car that has broken down on the highway, while I would call a tow truck and go home, the way that muscle in their jaw flexes when they think, the way they can be such tough, macho men in front of their buddies but so tender and vulnerable with their girl. White t-shirts. 5 o’clock shadow. A nice and subtle cologne. Muscles. Ropy veins. Mmmmm.
Ah yeah, I love men. Hooray for men!
Nice muscular shoulders. The faint smell of sweat, and cigarettes, and man. Stubble from a close haircut. Hairy legs, nice ass. Being able to lift me up. The feeling of their solidity. The self satisfied look in their eye when they have me exactly where they want me. The way their voice is all low and husky in the morning. The way they wrestle with kids. Yeah, I love men.
Well shut up then
I think I need to go put on some muscles…
Hm… I’m intrigued, really, by how they’re hard in places I’m not. I mean, even really fat ones usually have arms harder than mine pokes at her girly biceps
Some day I’d like to have a man I can have just lie there while I explore and figure out which bits of his are soft and which hard and which ticklish and which… Don’t think there’s a man alive who’d be able to put up with that, though, and I’m not interested in doing it with dead ones.
It’s taking all my self-control to lay off the obvious wisecracks here.
Um…how much is a ticket to…Spain, is it?
I’d start the inevitable What Do You Find Attractive About Women? thread, but there’s only so many ways you can say “Boobs”.
That’s funny cause it’s true!
Well, that and “butts”. And whatever the part is that makes her want to stick around me.
(reads thread)
(examines nerdy frame)
(calculates how often found wearing a suit/tie)
(considers lack of ability to fix cars)
I am soooooooooooo screwed.
Hey, now, I’m at work here…
Even if you have trouble finding a man who can put up with anything, you will quite likely find men willing to try…
I thought that was the solution, not the problem?
:: pnders ::
How long will it take me to save up for a trip to Spain?
Well, I was trying to be all classy and stuff, but a nice set of testicles and a good-looking penis… Very attractive.
Also, fascinating. I mean, the way the testicular skin is always in constant, subtle motion. The way a penis can go from being soft and small and defenseless to a proud, challenging thing of might. The way my husband can push his right in when flaccid and make it “disappear”.
I think I spent the first three years of my marriage exploring my husband’s body in exactly the manner Nava describes.
He’s very ticklish and wary now. They can only put up with for so long.
Hal Briston
Speak for yourselves, brothers. After a good long (if surreptitious) ogle I might or might not be able to tell you whether or not the gal even had boobs.
OK, they can be cute. I suppose I’m just tired of having them rhetorically metaphorically or literally thrown at my face while being told “Everyone knows this is what you want”. Umm, no, I think you’ve got me confused with the little feller in the pram with the pacifier over yonder?