For me, it’s the fact that I have a great set of retorts to the inevitable “Why aren’t you married?” inquiries.
Also, I like the whole Clark Kent secret identity thing. Being gay is like that for me; by day, mild-mannered computer geek. By night, mild-mannered computer geek with excellent taste in home furnishings.
Well, my husband for one. I found a smart man who is a former dancer. You just can’t beat dancers for the nice ass quotient.
Lowered expectations allow one to do whatever you want…
The sex is quite nice.
No worries about pregnancy everytime one has sex. Think about it… all we have to worry about is death. Death never eats all the food in the fridge, death never crashes your car, and you never have to put death through college.
Being able to share clothes and underwear in a pinch…
Those are my thoughts for now. Such as they are. YMMV.
-Being able to get laid whenever I want
-Not having to deal with children or whiny girlfriends
-Having something in common with Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman
-Being able to hug my male friends without worrying about hetero insecurities
-Having great friendships with women
Wow! You have to explain to me how you do that as I never seem to have that problem. I never considered that as inherently gay, but if it is, tell me so I can get some as well!!!
Please, Aghris, one of the advantages of being gay is that we are all horny men, so we can get sex without having to jump through hoops for some woman, or put up with some bullshit relationship just to get off.
If a man is under fifty and in reasonable shape, he should be able to get gay sex easily. Why, just yesterday, in the
steam room at the gym…