What do you women folk think of testicle size?

I like smaller balls. One guy I screwed has these great compact balls. They don’t droop down or swing between his legs. I’m not really a nut for nuts, but I enjoyed his.

I cannot imagine why anyone would enlarge them. Eew.

<announcer voice>

Ladies…we all know about the pain of having an unnattractive gall bladder…


Saggy oversized testicles are no good; I prefer smaller, firmer ones.

I don’t really think about it all that much, hell, no matter what the size - when the guy reaches 70+, he’ll be able to drag 'em on the floor behind him anyway.

You know the appearance industry at this point. Whatever it is, someone will tell you it should be bigger, smaller, reshaped, color-changed, or removed. I have female friends who don’t wear makeup, and I think they should win a prize for it.

To answer the OP truthfully I must say that before seeing this thread I never gave it a moment’s thought.

I’ve certainly never thought, “He’s such a nice guy. Too bad his nuts are so puny.”

Now I’m wondering if we ought ought to have a size classification system for the family jewels. “Oh Marie, he’s great. He drives a Camarro and has a size D sac” ???

So just yesterday I was watching an adult film with my girlfriend, and the male “actor” had the most unbalanced pair I’ve ever seen. One ball was quite small and the other was so large it almost looked tumorous or something when compared to it’s neighbor. It was a very disturbing image, seeing that elephant man looking sack pounding away at Sky Lopez.

The freakishness of it turned us both off and we had to fast forward (which made it worse!). I can’t imagine this dude having much of a career in the XXX industry. I’d seriously recommend the enlargement surgery for this chap, if anything to at least get them both the same size.

I wonder if you get a discount for only getting one ball enlarged?

:eek: This must have been a sight to give one nightmares! The image has been burned into my brain since I read this earlier… NOT a good thing.

As for testicles… Personally prefer larger to smaller. The sac itself has a lot to do with presentation. I mean you don’t want to look like a stud bull or anything, but if things are a little bit low hanging, they can aid in doggie style lovin’ as they hit in all the right spots :smiley:

Besides, they’re great fun to play with… imho.

*originally posted by * Jonathan Chance



He wasn’t even a SO. He just thought it would be funny to show us stuff, and put an end to the rumors that he had no balls. I was traumatized

More than a mouthful is too big.

Maybe the reason some men would want bigger balls, is to lift the penis into a more forward position.

I don’t care in the least what size they are. It’s nice if they’re an erotic zone for the guy - not so sensitive you can’t touch them nor numb as rocks - and if they’re reasonably symmetrical. If they were so big they got in the way, it might be a problem, but fortunately I’ve never seen such.