List two or three qualities/personality traits/attributes of yours that you think your family, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, other people, etc., admire, like, or value about you.
Likewise do the same with two or three obnoxious, irritating, maddening traits.
Not limited to two or three traits in each category. Doesn’t have to be a one-word answer-- a phrase is fine.
These might be things you imagine people think about you or things you know because someone whispered to you in a moment of tenderness or shouted in rage at you as they hurled an object intended to do you harm. Or somewhere in between.
You may also add a disclaimer like, “People think this about me, but I’m really that,” or any other explanatory details as you see fit.
If you think of something else later, by all means, post again.
These are mine:
Good qualities:
Utterly reliable
Obnoxious qualities:
Pedantic (The Dope rises as a body and screams in unison: “No, no! It can’t be! Say it isn’t so!!”)
I seem to be always sitting on a pot of simmering anger, and I lash out unpredictably.
Positive traits that my family has attributed to me include:
Being a generally responsible person who stays out of trouble.
Leading a generally productive lifestyle despite a rough childhood with drug-abusing and alcoholic parents.
My family isn’t really in the business of critiquing others, although I’m sure if I had really serious issues they’d tell me what they think about it. If I were to guess, they’d probably have these negative things to say:
I don’t visit them very often and I don’t update them very often on what’s new in my life. Since I’m not on Facebook like the rest of them, they pretty much have no way to get updates unless they call or email me.
Much has been made about me not ever being in a relationship or getting married. Some have suggested I see a therapist and others have wondered if I have some principled objection to long-term monogamous relationships.
Sometimes I get compassion fatigue and need time to rest and refresh and stay away from people for awhile. Sometimes things pile up and annoy me, and I find it hard to conceal my annoyance.
Best: My family/friends would say that I am some kind of computer genius. In reality, I know some of the basics and will restart someones computer or device and often fix the problem that way. Other times I’ll post a question here and @BigT will explain it, then I fix the problem. So, yeah, I’m a computer genius.
If I say I’m going to do something. I will. And I will be on time. I’m crazy punctual. So is my Wife.
I’m a pretty darn good cook, that can improvise pretty well.
Really a jack of all trades. I can almost certainly fix it, or improvise something for now.
Worst -
I’m not a very good listener. In one ear and out the other. I do have real shitty hearing though. That’s not a good excuse though. It has made me a lot less social. But that’s fine with me.
My favorite fashion accessory is… denial.
I’m very unhappy with people being late. Even when it does not really affect me. That ties into always being on time above, I’m sure.