What does F.M. mean?

On road signs, what does F.M. mean? For instance, F.M. 214 ?

FM = Farm to Market

Farm to market? What the heck does that mean!

Seems to be a Texas thing. http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/6244/txhwys/fm-rm-ur.html

I’m not sure what your sign means, but there is a sign on the road into PA that has AM and a frequency (of the local radio station I would assume) and the FM radio station (we have two, but only the old radio station’s frequency is on the sign).

I don’t think 214 is a legitamet FM frequency thou.

BTW PA is not the state… it Stands for Prince Albert, a city in Sask.

If you think the FM is referring to a radio station, then the FM stands for Frequency Modulation.

As Adoptamom_II wrote, it’s “Farm to Market.” The road was originally one used by farmers to carry their goods to market to sell.

I always thought it stood for:

Fu#k! Myassislost!

At least this is what it means to me when I see signs like these…