Well, I got mine from the movie Real Genius. Lazlo was a guy that lived in a closet and was the smartest man on earth. Okay, I know it doesn’t fit me but I can dream, can’t I??
This subject comes up once in a while and I’m sure someone else will provide links, but then again, given the number of new people who come here I don’t see where six 200 post threads is somehow better than always adding onto one 1500 post thread.
Jophiel: (JO-fy-El) A Hebraic name meaning “Beauty of God”, Jophiel was supposively the archangel responsible for driving Adam and Eve out of the Garden in Genesis. If this is correct, he gets the honor of being the first angel mentioned in the Bible (though not by name).
Reason for using: I have an interest in angeology and have studied it quite a bit. Back in the mid 90’s when I was first using Internet Relay Chat, I wanted a nickname that would suit my interest. Any of the popular angel names (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel…) were already in use, so I chose a slightly more obscure angel, though one with an interesting story. I’ve been using the name since then for most of my internet Username needs, or if not that, Iofiel (variant spelling).
Kinoons – nickname given to me by my hockey coach because he couldn’t get my name out.
why I use it? I like it, and its not likely to be taken up when I regester for a name
Laur- From my name, Lauren.
Ange - Means “angel” in french. My screennames on the internet ar usually Ange or Angélique (angelic).
Mine is, of course, one of the 22 NamesWhichMustNotBeSpoken. If you say it out loud- go ahead, I dare you- midget clowns will presently knock upon your door and attach a rabid ferret to your genitals. And take pictures.
It’s quietgirldownthehall’s nickname for me. Incidentally, hers comes from the poem “In the Counselor’s Waiting Room,” by Betty Sellers.
Ender - It’s a clear cut anal sex reference.
w23 - The number of times she’s said “Whoa! What the hell are you doing back there?!?”
[sub]oh sure…SOME people might confuse me with a literary character, but they’re just being silly. [/sub]
It started out as Lady Guinevere when I first got online, as I was obsessed with Arthurian legend. Then, when I got into Star Wars, it became Lady Guinevere the Jedi Knight and then just Jedi Guinevere. THEN I saw Anastasia, and joined the Anastasia mailing list. Everyone started adding “astasia” to their names (Jenastasia, Ginastasia, Marastia). So I tried Guinastasia. Jedi Guinastasia. I was Jedi Guin on a few message boards, until I was kicked out of Hissyfit I was sick of Jedi Guin, so I went with plain Guinastasia.
Baker is my profession.
Say it out loud, kind of slurred together.
Get it?
Kinda lost on me Sue, maybe you could listen & let me know?
handy around the house.
Le Sang Paresseux is French for “The Lazy Blood.” I’m not entirely sure why I chose it.
LaurAnge; for some reason I always think of citrus fruit rather than angels when I read your name…
Easy one here - Name of a song by the Electric Light Orchestra from their “Out of the Blue” album, my all time favorite.
No they don’t. I just said it.
[sub]Why is there a 3-foot tall clown at my door carrying a weasel?[/sub]
Mine is from the ancient AOL SDMB days. My AOL screen name was WillowElf7. One day, another doper, Maitland, was typing in the MPSIMS thread (yeah, back then it was just a thread, not a whole section), and she mentioned that while looking at my name late at night it appeared to look like “WillowWelf7.” She started calling me Welf, and soon everyone fell to doing the same, with variations like Welfy, Welfers (my FFF name), The Big Bad Welf, Welfling, Welflet, etc. The name has stuck with me ever since. And I like it!
I have two names I use, my SDMB name and my #straightdope chat and mail name. Since most people I know well here call me by both, I will explain both.
Anthracite - referring to anthracite coal, a jet-black, hard, very non-volatile coal which is difficult to start burning, but once it does it burns fierce and hot.
I’ve made reference in the past that it was refering to the flame in my heart being cold and dead, but capable of being rekindled again by the right woman.
However, my primary intent is that it refer to my specialty as an expert in coal power plants.
Una Persson - a character from the books of Michael Moorcock, who I have only one thing in common with (and which only Fierra has noticed thsu far). It is a nonsense name that means “single person”, and I chose it because I liked the name. I pronounce it “OOO-na pa-SSION”, which I’ve been told by a Swedish person is the way she would pronounce it (and no, it’s not someone on the SDMB).
In the past, pre-SDMB, I went by names of Jennifer Gauss, Kali, and a few others. Remember, I’ve been online since 1988 or so, so I’ve had time to change my personnae once or twice…
It’s really quite simple:
Halber Mensch- Half Man, so it’s a pseudo-nietzch reference, and it’s also the best album by Einsturzende Neubatuen. The 242…is another band reference…that being fron242, the fathers of EBM.
Thanks Anthracite - i was wondering about Una Persson - either your parents had a sense of humour or you were younger than I thought
Primaflora is from one of Dorothy Dunnett’s Niccolo Rising books. I don’t quite know why I chose it - I like the Lymond Chronicles much better than the Niccolo books.
My name comes from a book by Italo Calvino. It’s about a non-existent knight whose honor depends on whether or not a woman he saved from rape was a virgin at the time. He finds he 18 years later in a sultan’s herem the night before her wedding to the sultan. She had been kidnapped from a convent, where she had been living as Sister Palmyra.
I like the story and the author. And the name just sounds cool.
Mine is from goddess (I’m not sure what goddess…Roman or Greek or what…if someone knows, feel free to tell me) named “Ananke” which is the goddess of neccessity. I shortenend it to “Anake” so it’s not so awkward to say. That’s the first name I use for my Internet name. My “last” name I put on forms is “Nisaba,” the Siberian goddess of writing. My real name is Erin.