What does your username say about you?

It says that no gnews is good gnews.

I’m a bear, as in large, hairy gay man, and I live on the edge of a swamp. Hence… swampbear! :smiley:

I’m a compooter nurd.

I have passwords. Lots of them.

So many, in fact, that I give them out to people who I deem eligible to receive them.

I’m an accountant by trade and have a very large library, plus I’m a word geek and this word has three double letters in a row. How could I resist?

Mine says “backrubs sometimes lead to something better.”

Nobody doesn’t like Geddy Lee.

What does my username say about me?

For one thing, I wasn’t paying enough attention to spelling when I signed up. (gender-wise, my username would more correctly be “blondbear”…the “bear” part relating to my outdoorsy inclinations, not my orientation)

That I sometimes like to spell things sdrawkcab.

looking at backwards spelled backwards I wish I would have thought of that at the time I signed up

Your name is G.L. Ee?

And here I was thinking that Juliana was a fan of the old (and now departed) Dutch Queen-Mom.

Me? I live in Maastricht, and absolutely love the town. It is two thousand years old, a student town of 100.000 inhabitants in the most southern tip of the Netherlands. Only Amsterdam has more old houses and things, and Amsterdam is a newbie, only 600 years old.

That I’m a thunder being of course.

My stock-in-trade. A furrin’ language teacher 'R Us.

Dude. I can’t believe I missed this. I almost always notice backwards usernames.

My username says that I liked Madeleine L’Engle novels quite a bit, although I was more into them ten years ago when I picked this username.

Well, I’ve told it before, but here goes again, as the old-timers say: we first got the internet about 18 years or so ago. Long enough ago that everyone else I knew would say “The internet?!?! What do ya want that for?” Leaving me to lamely reply “Well, on Fridays, you can look up Roger Eberts reviews of new movies. . .” and then more defensively, adding “In five years, everyone will have it; it’ll be like having a telephone!”

Our very first ISP provided me with an email addy: firstnamelastinitial@isp.com.
So, there I had it, a ‘username’, first name, last initial.

This was the very first message board I ever joined. My ‘leftover’ username from my early days of the 'net had stuck. It never occurred to me (because I be’s stoopid) that people might read my name as “nori-new” until some Dopers started calling me “nori”, and I thought, “Geez, they think I’m nori-new”.

It’s gotten to a point, though, that when I see my username, I parse it that way. At DopeFests, it’s how I introduce myself: “Hi! I’m nori new. You can call me Norine if you want. . .” :wink:

ETA: Heh. Who knew that typing firstnamelastinitial@isp.com would generate a link?
Just FYI, that is NOT my email address. If you wanna reach me, just PM me, OK? But you probably don’t find me all that fascinating. . .Don’t feel bad. No one does, really. :cool:

I used to live on Princhester St. I casually signed up to some US message board to respond to some damn thing that caught my eye. I needed to type something in the box marked “username”. The street name came to mind so I typed it.

Here I am eight and a half years and over seven thousand posts later, and everything I do on the internet I use the same handle, and sometimes I even think of myself as “Princhester” instead of my actual name. Who knew?

My username indicates, beyond a reasonable doubt, that I have played the Star Wars CCG, by Decipher.

That I was an English major one hundred million bajillion years ago. ‘Shantih’ is the last word of T.S. Eliot’s poem The Wasteland (actually the last three words, as it is stated thrice) and is Hindu for ‘the peace which passeth understanding.’

Darned if I know.

Mine might be interpreted to mean that my name is Jill. This would, however, not be correct.