What fresh kitty hell is this??

My cat is acting weird. He’s about 6 years old, he is not neutered, an indoor cat, probably bored. He is pathologically attached to me, at my side 24/7. A wonderful, affectionate animal, a real attention sponge, can’t get enough brushing and chin tickling… The weirdness started one day when I was running through the house looking for something, and he got really agitated. Started making grizzly bleating vocalizations and actually put his arms around my ankle and bit it! He didn’t want me moving around fast, in fact he wanted me to go sit down…Now he’s freaking out when I go up and down the stairs. He doesn’t like me walking around fast, it’s like he’s saying, stop that moving, go sit! … I never saw a cat react to me walking fast, or up the stairs. What gives?

It sounds like something’s triggering his hunting instincts. You move, he attacks. Or maybe he’s horny. How the hell can you stand living with an intact male cat?? Doesn’t he spray everywhere?

May I be the first of many to say: Get him neutered.

Yeah, we had an unneutered Tom - he used to leap out of the flower beds and attack my youngest brother’s foot - which was dodgy as he did karate.
He also used to lie in ambush at the top of the stairs.

Eventually he got framed for multiple rape, and neutered. Oddly his behaviour was unchanged - he continued with his life mission of squirrel hunting and bullying dogs.

My guess is that your cat should get out more.

I’d guess there’s a cat in heat somewhere nearby and you’re experiencing his misplaced aggression.

Get the boy neutered. But, unfortunately, don’t expect his behavior to change much – it’s already entrenched habit now.

I was intent on keeping our indoor male kitty intact. Things were going fine until one night he was pissed at me, got on my bed, and knowing full well that I was wide awake, walked up and sprayed me on directly on my head :eek:

Despite what you may have learned from South Park, there is no interesting “trip” or “boobage” involved in such an event :frowning:

Heck, our neutered cat behaves like this. When I see him crouch down, I know to expect him to “attack” my foot as I walk through the house. Sometimes when I head for the bedroom in the evening he races ahead of me, dives under the bed, and takes a whack at me as I walk past. Happily, he seems to know better than to draw blood; it’s more like the old Cheyenne “game” of counting coup.

He also makes occasional “grizzly bleating vocalizations”, usually upon spotting a strange cat outside.

It all seems like normal behavior to me.

Our spayed female cat Queequeg will run up and bite people who are laughing too loud. I kid you not… :confused:

I’m trying to stifle my giggling now for fear she’s gonna get me.

I don’t know why your post made me laugh, but it did. Thanks.

Dewey attacked my feet like that until we got a second cat. I think he was just trying to play with us as he would play with another cat, and once we got him a playmate he could enjoy us in our relationship and wrestle with Edison too.

Also, why on earth would you not get him neutered?

I will just say that I’m convinced all cats are psychotic to some degree, and I’ve had a lot of them!

Sounds like a combination of over-stimulation and under-exercised. That is to say, he’s not used to the stimulation of seeing you dash about, and so was easily over-stimulated. Then he found that he liked it, and is now looking for the slightest excuse to let loose…

I have a neutered tom who used to do things like that until I redirected him to things I didn’t mind him killing - like a laser-pointer dot, and wads of newsprint. Of course, that does mean that I have to finish the paper in the first go 'round, or I may well find that the interesting article in the lifestyle section is now confetti.

And if you rescue an almost feral adult male that was not fixed early, well, you get one like we have some… Interesting times on the mountain.

The bleating sound like a hunting trigger. Has anything changed in your house?

I know one cat and he was fine, he lived with my friend and her boyfriend. The cat and the boyfriend usually ignored each other.

The boyfriend lost his job and was out of work for six months. After the boyfriend went back to work, all hell broke loose. The cat was out of control.

I found that the boyfriend who was self-professed to “HATE” the cat was holding and petting the cat during his period of unemployment.

So basically from the time my friend left for work till she got home the boyfriend was on the couch with the cat in his lap petting it. When the boyfriend went back to work the cat was mad at not getting anymore attention.

Of course the boyfriend didn’t want to admit he had grown to like the cat, so they didn’t know till we dragged it out of him.

So you have to look for changes like that too

When I was growing up, our first family cat was neutered in a timely manner but, at the age of one or two, started “hunting” us when we were on the move. His stalking us usually culminated in a fleeting full-body hug against a whole lower leg and no biting, ever.

After hugging our calf (typically when we were about to reach a particular doorway), he’d break off and make a mad dash under the dining table, behind or along the top of a sofa, and home free to the next room or hallway.

Sometimes we’d chase him back, which delighted him. But after a few months, he stopped hunting us like this altogether. And he only did this to Mom and us kids… never Dad. Maybe that was due to a clear understanding of male dominance, or maybe simply reflective of Dad’s limited time in the house.

In any event, it’s a good thing there weren’t any stairs in our house… somebody could’ve gotten hurt!

He’s never once sprayed urine in the house, but all our other (neutered ) cats most certainly did! But The Operation is going to have to wait a while, there’s no spare money for that right now… This all started when I tried to exercise The Boy by walking up and down the stairs so he would trot after me. About the third time, he just decided he did NOT want to see me moving around so much, and to go sit down on the couch. He will watch me walk on the treadmill for an hour at a time, but then I’m always in sight…I think I’ll try the stair exercising thing again, but spread it out over the day instead of all at once. Thank you for your comments. Cats are strange creatures sometimes.

Which is why I’m no longer allowed to sing in my house. Cleo, the “normal” one attacked me one too many times.

My cat when I was growing up would attack my ankles when I was walking around in a dark house. I think she just liked to hear me scream.

She was 14 or 15 years old at the time and had been fixed from a very early age. The incidents would increase if she was hungry, but she would do it any time when I least expected it. Then after I screamed bloody murder she’d hightail it out of the room in that excited way they do when they’ve done something naughty and loved it.

She would also lay on my book when I was reading it and attack each page when I turned it. If I was playing solitaire she would land right in the center of the cards and do her best Roadrunner impression. She was ornery and I loved her to bits.

My last cat, who now lives with a friend, hated it when I sang. She would come up to me and lay a paw on my knee with beseeching eyes, “are you hurt?” And if I wouldn’t knock it off she would nip me. I think I worried her.

My (spayed female) cat grabs at my feet when I’m trying to leave the house, as if she’s trying to physically prevent me from leaving. I try explaining to her that I have to go to work so I can buy cat food, but she just can’t grasp simple economics.

Sometimes local animal shelters will have low cost spay and neuter clinics. It’s certainly something you can ask about. Sometimes a city will have low cost S&N days, too.

IANAV, but to me, it sounds like your cat is lonely, bored, and horny. My advice is usually to get the first cat desexed and another desexed cat for a friend, but that’s not a good option for you at the moment. Another male cat might prompt him to start a spraying contest, and that’s NOT a good idea. A female cat would result in kittens sooner or later, and that’s an even worse idea.

Get Kitty some empty boxes and paper grocery bags. Scatter around your house. This will give him something to think about, and a place to practice his Lurking skills. Empty toilet paper cores are excellent cat toys, as are plastic drinking straws.