What gives, Cecil?!? (or: promises (so far) unkept)

“See you after Labor Day”, he said.


And what is it about this vague language, vague threats?

“Cecil is mindful of the rising tide of ignorance and will smite the unrighteous soon.”

(My italics)

“However, right now he is enjoying a little veg time in the hammock and watching the Cubs tank.”

A little veg time?? Close to four months worth of veg time!! And the Cubs have indeed tunk, so that excuse (er…well ok… ‘reason’) has come and gone.

“This fills me with thoughts of futility and waste and puts me in the mood for dealing with the Teeming Millions.”
Still waiting here, Cecil. Don’t make us lose faith in your benevolent guidance. In these troubled times, all of us need it desperately.

Just a few kind words would no doubt suffice.

Here’s to hoping that this humble call will be heeded and that we can again march forward with blissfully ignorant confidence, resting assured that our Leader is behind us every step of our misguided way…

Yes, “it IS taking longer than (you) thought”: but how can you realistically expect it to ever end without without your unobtrusive, but oh so wise, direction. The lost sheep are in dire need of a savvy shepherd.

You’ve led them a good deal of the way, and now is no time to abandon them.

Put more prosaically, try and pump your message count to 150 by the end of next year! (Think you can do that?)

Speaking of which, O Great and Wise One, it seems to me that we’re just a little bit overdue for our new Straight Dope book. I appreciate you taking the extra time to make it wonderful… I assume that’s what you’re doing… but when, when, when?

IIRC, TubaDiva said a while ago that there would be no more new books until all or much more of the old ones had sold. The situation may have changed, but she will have to comment on that.

[Edward G. Robinson] * Where’s your Cecil now, Moses? * [/Edward G. Robinson]

Il brille par son absence, as we say. Unca Cecil always shines, in one way or another.

I haven’t lost faith.


Hell, I’m just glad I haven’t been smited yet.

omni-not I’m glad to see YOU started this thread. I have been contemplating it myself.

I think Unca Cece has been out of town/state if Fla. IIRC you know how these rumors are. Got a free all expense paid trip last October and extended his vacation from what I hear.

Oh…I almost forgot about the photo I was sent, supposed to be of Cecil taken while he was contemplating his beloved Cubbies. Notice he isn’t carrying his smiting stick.

Here it is.


Yep. That’s him alright. I recognize the rumpled jeans (plus the days-old paper bag).

Problem is…he posted in your thread in August (not anywhere close to October). NOT to be the one to criticize but…this borders on the unacceptable! This laissez-faire, nonchalant attitude is unbecoming Cecil. He’s accustomed us to better.

Just a bit disappointed.:frowning:

Hey, the christians have been waiting for nearly two millenia, and you’re bitchin about 4 months?

Not to nit pick, but it’s been a few years more, if exegetes are to be believed…:D. Point being, our favourite uncle’s absence is being crelly felt by the Teeming Millions in these uncertain times. It’s just…unnerving.

:smiley: Howdy Omni

I haven’t forgotten, uh…er or is that forgot? Sounds like something I read recently…hmm who knows. Anyway, yeah I remember Master C popping in and giving us a little pep talk awhile back.

I’ve been wondering myself why it’s been so long since his PROMISE was made. Perhaps he’s still heartbroken…maybe he’s down in Florida hunting that durn Bartman.

Oh well hang in there buddy, keep the faith… I was hoping for something at Thanksgiving but apparently we didn’t cross his mind. Maybe he’ll show up for Christmas.

Happy Holidays to you and yours, t-keela :slight_smile: