What happened to Jezebel's Tracy Egan Morrissey's aka "Slut machine" chronicles of sex hookups?

Tracy Egan Morrissey writes for online women’s issues magazine Jezebel.com. I suppose you can call her their sex writer but she actually writes about a variety of topics. She wrote about attending a porn convention. She wrote a masturbation contest. She calls herself “slutmachine” and she often writes about her many one night stands. I believe in one article, she has the count up to about 80 (this was in 2008.)

The question is where are these articles? They are nowhere to be found. It’s like they disappeared off the face of the earth, I couldn’t even find links to it. What happened? Does anyone else remember?

I remember reading one particular episode where she picks up an Irish fellow from a bar and they have sex and she squirted. She wrote vividly about her surprise, it was her first time ejaculating. She described everything in vivid details and there were many comments.

You’re spelling her name wrong

She also might be culling her online articles because…