What happens if Trump is indicted in Georgia? (Indicted on August 14, 2023)

My first thought was Tommy Tutone’s 867-5309.

Mine too.

Donnie Donnie who will you turn to?
You just got something you can hold on to
We know you think you can make it all go away
But you got assigned your inmate number today

Donnie, you’ve got your number
The P and the zero don’t fit
Donnie, can’t change your number

One one three five eight oh nine
One one three five eight oh nine
One one three five eight oh nine
One one three five eight oh nine.

Holy shit! I’m 6’3" and at my heaviest I was 195 lbs. I was still fit, but had about 10 extra lbs. No way Trump is only 20 lbs more than I was then. Absofuckinglutely not!

I bet we see a lot more motions to follow.

If I were one of these lesser defendants I’d be pissed at Trump.

First, I’m pretty sure that the only reason a lot of these people joined the conspiracy was that they were assured that Trump would pardon them on the way out the door. Remember when Rudy tried to give Trump a pardon list?

But he didn’t, and now that the consequences are coming due, he won’t even pay for anyone else’s legal defense. Not only that, but they’ll be paying lawyers while Trump introduces frivolous delays and plays political theatre and tries to assert non- serious defenses like “I’ll prove that I really won”. Or Trump will try to use the Supremacy clause to say “I was President I could do anything I wanted”, a defense that throws most of the other co-conspirators under the bus.

And when Trump bloviates about how these indictments are the best thing that could happen to his campaign, it shows a complete unawareness of the real and serious trouble the people he talked into helping him are facing. I bet they’re pissed off even if they won’t admit it.

“I just need you to find me seventy pounds…”

Hide me seventy pounds, surely?

Sorry, wrong thread


Ok. We’ve had our fun with Trump’s mug shot and weight over many, many posts. There is a thread dedicated to discussions of Trump’s weight.

Time to drop it here.

Wouldn’t that be a left roundhouse?

I won’t take that bet, because I think you’re right. We’ll see more motions to sever in the not-too-distant future.

Especially if I was one of the lesser defendants, I would want to have my matter handled fairly, justly, and efficiently, without the baggage of co-defendant Trump bloviating about the case at rallies and campaign stops, introducing delaying tactics (e.g. filing frivolous motions that he knows will be denied anyway), and insulting the Prosecution and the Court on Truth Social. The farther I could get away from Trump and his legal team, then I think the more fair and just the verdict in my matter would be.

So yes. We’ll see more motions to sever. I would be surprised if we didn’t.



A cashier’s check should be acceptable. It’s a check written against the bank and not your personal account. I don’t think anyone wants people showing up with a suitcase of cash.

I had always heard it was 10%, but @PhillyGuy’s link says 12-15%. Who knows in this case though. A true believer might give him a discount in exchange for the publicity.

The name of the bail bondsman is being prominently mentioned in a lot of news sources. I suspect that Trump could have posted the entire bond himself, but the bondsman probably paid him a tidy sum for the privilege of his widely reported custom. You could hardly ask for better publicity for your services.

With tears in his eyes, no doubt.

Do bail bondsmen need to publicize?
Why would a typical crook want to use the “prestigious” bondsman that Trump used? And I’m guessing that a white collar crook who needs bail probably already has a sleazy lawyer with experience in the local jail system, who “knows a guy” in the bond business.

The bondsman doesn’t need to be prestigious; he just needs to be memorable. If you’ve been arrested and suddenly need to give thousands of dollars to a complete stranger to secure your release, you might be more inclined to give it to someone you’ve at least heard about.

Anyway, that’s for the general case. Certainly “typical crooks” come in all sorts of political stripes, and those that are Trump voters might actually prefer to use Trump’s bail bondsman.

Not sure if this has been brought up before, but if convicted in Georgia, could Trump keep his travels to states that refuse to extradite him back to Georgia?

Which states would those be? Don’t all states within the US extradite to all other states within the US?

Normally, yes. But there may be one critical exception:

DeSantis says Florida wouldn’t aid Trump’s extradition to New York [3/30/2023]

I recall, however, subsequent news stories suggesting it is unlikely Florida law endorsement would really refuse to honor an extradition request.

See the wiki article: