What happens when we die?

Islamists believe they go to Heaven and bang 77 virgins, Christians believe they go to Heaven and do, well, I dont know what exactly, worship I guess, but at the same time the Bible speaks of judgement day, but how can there be a judgement day if they go to Heaven or Hell immediately ala Lazarus?

What about you non religious people? Is that just it? No after-life of any kind?

what what what?

Well, since we have no evidence of any kind of afterlife, nothing seems to be the best conclusion.

The evidence we’ve gathered suggests that consciousness is created by a living brain. I imagine when the brain dies, so does the consciousness.

Note that brain damage alters the way people think, feel, emote and function. If we had a soul that shouldn’t happen. Drugs alter the way people think, feel, emote and function. If we had a soul that shouldn’t happen.

Enjoy the time you got, I’d say. Because hoping for life after death is a fool’s wager.

From the Christian perspective: It’s my understanding that the departed souls go to “the spirit world” or “purgatory” or whatever name it’s called. After Armageddon everyone will be resurrected and then the final judgment will be passed. No one goes to heaven or hell before judgment, they just get to hang out in a presumably very large waiting room. With Kenny G muzak? No, no, that would be hell. Never mind.

I’ve never heard this reasoning before. How is it that a brain injury affecting function proves there is no soul?

But if thinking, feeling and emoting are all functions of form/matter…then without the form, we wouldn’t need to do any of these things. What lies beyond…?


Read this book, it will tell you all you want to know.

Once upon a time I was stung by a bee while mowing the lawn. This was not the first time I was stung, though my neighbors will argue inaccurately about the latter.

I began to feel woozie and went into the house and sat on the first available chair. Wife, who claims to have had a dream the night before regarding how irresponsible it was that she didn’t have a personal Crash Cart, and had that morning rectified that omission, forced me to chew on an children’s Benedryl (“it absorbs baster than the liquid”) while waving a bottle of ammonia under my nose. I went from passing out and untimately dying/coming together because I had only suffered a few seconds of low blood pressure because of what she did.

I ask her now what the difference was between super-low blood pressure and death, but she says, “You’re alive, aren’t you? Don’t be such a baby.”

What does your soul do? Isn’t your soul supposed to you? Why would a brain injury damage your soul?

A brain injury or drugs can inflame or reduce your emotions. Aren’t your emotions part of your soul? Does your soul beyond death have the capacity for emotion?

I’m not sure what your question is. If thinking, feeling and emoting are functions of form and matter, then it stands to reason, without the matter there is no thinking feeling or emoting.

I would love to see my dead friends and family after I die. But really wanting something doesn’t increase the likelihood of it happening.

First, the common misconception (common among Americans, at least) has to do with 72 virgins, not 77. Though I do strongly doubt most Muslims interpret the relevant Qu’ranic(sp?) verse in such a way, much less actually care about something so crude in the afterlife :eek:. Additionally, if your version of the Islamic afterlife has solely to do with “banging virgins”, you should probably do some further reading on the topic.

Secondly (perhaps a small hijack), when did it become acceptable to use the term “Islamist”? Is this really correct? As far as I know, followers of Islam are known as Muslims but I’ve been hearing “Islamist” more and more. I DON’T LIKE IT :mad:

Ever been under General Anesthesia?

Probably exactly like that.

As an atheist weighng in: we disintegrate.
How are you supposed to “see” relatives after death if you don’t have eyes that work anymore? How are you supposed to perceive anything without working senses? How is the soul supposed to perceive or know stuff?

Well, the idea is that the essence of you is your soul, right? Your body is just the vessel containing the soul.

Then the essence of you - your personality, your hopes, your dreams, all that - shouldn’t be changed by physical damage to your body. If you can get a railroad spike stuck through your head and become an entirely different person, what function does your soul have? What aspect of your being goes unexplained by biology?

I could care less whether you like it or not. Your “religion” (if it is yours) is a frickin’ joke that preaches hate, murder, you name it. You can sugarcoat all you want but its there, and its PRACTICED ON A DAILY BASIS AROUND THE WORLD, so if you wanna start quoting all those lovely quotes from the Koran just save it.

And you can take the politically correct crap and shove that too. I dont care whats acceptable or what hurts someones poor feelings. America has become pussified enough as it is without EVERYONE worried about what “offends” someone.

There are more than a billion Muslims on Earth. How many terrorists are there?

David Koresh was a Christian. Are all Christians pedophile power maniacs?

But what does that have to do with the silly fantasy of living on after you die?

My random thoughts on an unanswerable question, and as an athiest.

We die, end of consciousness. However new people are born all the time. I don’t believe in reincarnation, but hey if someone is going to be born then someone has to be conscious. I don’t think it’s “Me” but there will be a new consciousness walking around and therefore someone will have to inhabit it. (but it’s not me, I know it’s hard for me to explain, and I have no justification for this argument. It just makes sense in my head)

Let’s see, Koresh had about, oh, 500 followers, and you wanna compare that to the Islamist murder machine? Good one.

It doesnt have anything to do with the thread, but neither does someone taking offense at the word Islamist.

And by the way, theyre ALL terrorists.

Followers of Islam are known as Muslims. Islamism is a political movement that believes that Muslims should set up a theocratic state and purify Islam of the “corruption” it acquired over the years and “restore” it to “pure” Islam. An Islamist is someone who believes in Islamism. So even though all Islamists are Muslim, most Muslims aren’t Islamists.

No they’re not. Most Muslims aren’t terrorists. Even most Islamists aren’t terrorists, even though there are some terrorist Islamist groups out there.

Islamist isn’t a word. It is a made up slur.

Doesn’t it strike you as a very, very stupid thing to say that *all *Muslims are terrorists? How is the logistics of that even possible?

Did you ever stop to think that maybe you’re irrational on this issue? This site is about fighting ignorance, and you’re spouting it. Why are you here if you *want *to be irrational?