What haven't you seen that everyone else has?

I’ve always felt like I watch less movies than average. But now I’m feeling like Roger Ebert.

I have seen: The Usual Suspects*, Casablanca, Gone With the Wind, The Sound of Music*, Godfather I and II, Scarface, all three Lord of the Rings movies, The Wizard of Oz, all the Sean Connery and Roger Moore Bond movies, Rocky, Terminator 1 and 2, the first Harry Potter movie, Grease*, some of the Star Trek movies and all of the original series episodes, all the Star Wars movies*, Citizen Kane, Babes In Toyland, Mary Poppins*, The Rocky Horror Picture Show*, Blade Runner*, Lawrence of Arabia, The Ten Commandments, Titanic*, The Aristocats*, Pirates of the Caribbean, Flashdance*, Fame*, Jaws*, Jurassic Park*, Finding Nemo*, Twister*, The Chronicles of Narnia*, Platoon, Saving Private Ryan*, Bambi, It’s a Wonderful Life, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut*, Frankenstein, Bridge on the River Kwai, Stargate, Tommy, Rope, Vertigo, Rear Window, High Noon, Mommie Dearest, The Green Berets, Ordinary People, Reds, Sophie’s Choice, Broadcast News*, Network, all the Lethal Weapons movies, Labyrinth, The Man Who Would be King, Murder by Death*, Breaker Morant, Chariots of Fire*, The Postman Always Rings Twice*, Body Heat*, the pilot episode of Firefly, a lot of Ben Stiller movies, a lot of Woody Allen movies, The Sixth Sense, Clerks, Memento*, Dr. Strangelove, The Blair Witch Project*, Sin City*, Taxi Driver, all three Austin Powers movies, all of Quentin Tarnatino’s movies*, several Sergio Leone westerns, Scary Movie 1, Halloween*, a Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and a couple of the sequels, Night of the Living Dead* and most of the sequels, Sixteen Candles, St. Elmo’s Fire, Pretty Woman, Raiders of the Lost Ark*, The Princess Bride, Full Metal Jacket, Rosemary’s Baby, and Five Easy Pieces. (All the ones with an * I saw in a theatre.)

I haven’t seen: Godfather III, any of the Rocky sequels, Terminator 3, Goonies, the Harry Potter sequels, some of the Star Trek movies and most of the new series episodes, any of the American Pie movies, Ray, Let It Be, The Song Remains The Same, Gladiator, Beautiful Mind, Meet the Parents, The School of Rock, any Hannibal Lecter movie, The Exorsist, The Passion of the Christ, Schindler’s List, Bride of Frankenstein, American Graffitti, Strangers on a Train, A Hard Day’s Night, THX1138, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, Old Yeller, Ishtar, And Then There Were None, The Postman, Midnight Cowboy, any episode of Firefly except the pilot and Serenity, ET, Being John Malkovich, Signs, Walk the Line, War of the Worlds, The Last Samurai, Memoirs of a Geisha, Goodfellas, the Scary Movie sequels, any Fast and Furious movies, any Bruce Lee movies, or The Iron Giant.

And just to add to the list, I also haven’t seen: any of the Batman movies, Dances With Wolves, Ghost, Unforgiven, A Few Good Men, The Shawshank Redemption, Apollo 13, Babe, Jerry Maguire, Good Will Hunting, L.A. Confidential, Shakespeare in Love, American Beauty, The Green Mile, Erin Brockovich, Chicago, Lost in Translation, Master and Commander, Mystic River, Million Dollar Baby, Sideways, Crash, or Brokeback Mountain.

Any Showtime series. Any HBO series. Any Lord of the Rings movie. Any Disney animated feature from the last 30 or so years. Chapters 1-3 of Star Wars. The Daily Show. 24. Any video game from the last 20 years.

Shrek (or Shrek 2).

A single episode of The Sopranos, Lost, or any CSI series.

Because the fanboys are saying it’s zomgeverybody’sseenit ubiquitous? :dubious:

Well, you certainly do have me beat. And, if you don’t mind me saying, it’s an amusing juxtaposition with your username. :smiley:

And since we’re adding TV to the list: Lost, Sopranoes, all reality TV other than the first 2 episodes of Temptation Island (which were comedy gold!)

I’ve never seen a single episode of MacGuyver, Cheers, L.A. Law, St. Elsewhere, Gray’s Anatomy, the Sopranos, Everybody Loves Raymond, or Six Feet Under.

No, because the fanboys (of which I am one) yammer on about it so endlessly that someone could easily be misled into believing it’s a lot more significant than it is or was.

Just watched this last week, bought the DVD.

I haven’t seen The Sound of Music, which most of you probably haven’t seen either, but that’s because you’re young’uns. But I’m old, and this admission means the AARP won’t let me in.

I have never seen an entire episode of Seinfeld. Something about it always annoys me and I stop watching.

Same reason I never watched more than a couple minutes of any of the CSIs. (Dammit, I knew I forgot something.)

I opened this thread thinking I’d be the only one who’d never seen a Bond film. However, it seems I am in good company!

I’ve also never seen any of the LotRs or the Star Wars prequels. No Saving Private Ryan either.

I have a complex mathematic equation for selecting which movies to see. It involves factoring the running time (my attention span is kind of short), the number of casualities (I prefer low to high), and the likelihood that I will cry in public (again, I prefer low). That leaves me all too well versed in Adam Sandler and rom-coms, I admit. However, I’m generally disappointed when I bend these rules. The new Pirates was way too long for me to enjoy it, Sideways made me want to bang my head against a brick wall, and I wouldn’t speak to my husband for hours after he took me to see Perfect Storm.

Titanic, E.T., Armageddon, Crash, Platoon, The Sopranos.

I saw ER. Once. I’ve never seen more than a few minutes of American Idol.