Ever since the early '80’s my mom has told me to drink aloe vera juice because it’s good for the body. Now, I’ve put it on dry skin and burns and found that as a topical ointment it works great. However, I can’t find any information substantiating the claims that drinking the juice “protects the immunes system” and aids in digestion, helping to eliminate ulcers and easing the symptoms of IBS, Crohns, acid reflux disease, etc"
I drink a glass aloe vera juice every morning but that’s because I like the taste and it’s not a sugary juice like apple juice or OJ.
Does anyone know if there are any real benefits or has anyone’s doctors ever urged them to drink it for any reason?
I actually asked a lady about that today. I’m a cashier and she brought it through my line. I had seen it before but never asked anyone about it, so I asked her what it tasted like. She said it didn’t have a great taste but she mixed it with orange juice. She said that it “helps her feel better” and she can “really tell a difference” when she doesn’t drink it. I think she may have been a bit nutty but hey, she was shopping at Wal-Mart so it’s possible.
At this point I want to put in a plug for Aloe Yogurt which I first encountered in Japan. Can’t get it here in the states, but you can go to a Chinese grocery and get a pack of skinned, diced aloe flesh in cane syrup, strain, mix in some sweetened yogurt, and it’s yum. And it may or may not stimulate your immune system.