What if Trump wins the 2016 presidential election?

Lets say that in 2016 hell freezes over, pigs learn to fly and Donald Trump selects
Sarah Palin as his vice-president and wins the election. What would the next
four (or eight) years be like if Donald Chump - um, I mean Donald Trump - was
in the White House?

It would largely depend on the makeup of Congress. If he had two houses with a veto-proof democrat majority, he’d probably not make much of a difference at all.

Probably same as last few POTOSs … can get some things done, but too much grid lock due to partisan stone walling, but …maybe move forward on a lot of things, since he as a businessman, may be the best negotiator to hold office, and both parties could get some of the things they wanted.

As far as the rest of the world is concerned, a reasonably competent politician would be preferable.

He’d have the Oval Office remodeled in solid marble.

He’d quit inside 17 months. If Palin were his VP, and didn’t wander off on seeing something shiny before she quit too, she’d probably barely make it to the end of the term.

Hm, how many Presidential resignations due entirely to distractability and boredom could we see in a single four-year term? Seven?

OK, which would be classier: Trump States of America, or United States of Trump?

I don’t want to think about what might go on the Capitol Dome.

Assuming he gets to pick a better V.P. than Palin, a Trump presidency might be better than a Walker, Cruz or ¡Jeb! After all, generals and senior civil servants might take a secret pledge to ignore the zaniest orders, a luxury probably unavailable under a more “serious” Prez.

Marble? How declasse!

He’d have it gold-plated.

Poe’s law?

In all seriousness, Donald Trump is a big-government liberal. He has given campaign cash to Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Ted Kennedy. (And all of them were happy to accept campaign cash from him.) He’s used eminent domain repeatedly to steal land from people less wealthy than himself. He likes the idea of business and government working together to revitalize urban areas. He promises to never cut a penny of spending from Social Security and Medicare. He burbles about bringing jobs back from China.

A Trump Presidency would be great new for anyone who gets their money from the federal government: federal employees, federal contractors, well-connected unions. It would be bad news for the rest of us who have to pay tax money to the federal government.

I’d like to think a few states would secede and join Canada.

This reminds me of something I read about Truman and Eisenhower, in a big biography of Eisenhower that I read about ten years ago.

After Eisenhower got elected, but before he took office, Truman allegedly made a remark about Eisenhower’s history as the big hungus General who led the troops in World War II: I’m quoting from memory here, but it went something like this:
Poor Ike! It won’t be anything like the military. He’ll sit behind his desk and say “Do this! Do that!” And nothing will happen.

Trump is running as a Republican because that’s where he sees an opportunity. Once elected he’ll just do what he wants. Congress doesn’t really matter, because Trump’s agenda is 99% based on things the executive can do. I hate to say it, but knowing what an executive does seems to be a subject that Trump has over all the other candidates, who seem to think that they can make legislation happen.

That would certainly be the most optimistic interpretation of a Trump administration, especially keeping in mind the old proverb that “only Nixon could go to China”. Undoubtedly, he’d be much better than the cuckservatives who will blindly follow the Koch Brother agenda.

(Bolding mine) Are you sure that’s what you meant? That’s a word used by racists to describe conservatives who aren’t racist enough.

Trump would quickly find out that being president of the country is not the same as being the CEO of a company. Unless he truly went nuts with the executive order thing, he would probably wind up resigning out of frustration or getting himself impeached.

It is similar enough. The President is supreme in the executive branch and completely accountable for everything that happens within it. Trump seems to get that better than most. Most Presidential candidates not only see themselves as legislators as well as executives, but act as if they are helpless to make the government work.

I’m just glad our women would be safe from all those Mexican rapists.