What if Trump wins the 2016 presidential election?

I believe that large rifts would open up all across the land as the mountains are torn asunder, spewing ash and smoke and fire while the lakes and streams would boil and turn to sulfur. The scorching of the sky would slaughter all manner of flying fowl, bringing a sudden downfall of bloody terror. Soon, the hellspawn would emerge from the rifts and their millenia-long slumbers, to sate their bloodlust in a maniacal orgy of destruction.

Or something like that.

I started using the term “cuck” some time before it became a thing among this crowd (when it was largely restricted to /pol/) and I think its good for the left to appropriate this term for those who are cuckolds of the oligarchs and the plutocrats.

Jon Stewart might want to find a different country to hide out in for a few years, just in case President Fuckface von Clownstick is the vengeful type.

  • Increased Congressional bi-partisanship combine with increase Congressional obstruction of the President’s agenda
  • At least one senior general officer commits resignation by press release
  • The House passes new rules creating e a standing committee for impeachments so the Judiciary committee can still get other work done
  • For a brief period there’s a renaissance of political comedy. It slows but doesn’t die in response to the lawsuits. After a while we all stop laughing though.
  • The world offers to apologize for every negative joke and stereotype they’ve applied about Americans if we end what has to be out greatest national prank.
  • Godwin’s Law is expanded to cover both Hitler and Trump.
  • Putin challenges him to a pullup contest to decide the fate of the Ukraine.
  • Ukraine is reintegrated in to greater Russia.
  • Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
  • Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…
  • The dead rising from the grave!
  • Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!
  • The Detroit Lions win a Super Bowl!!!

White House is renamed Trump House, complete with illuminated golden sign with 5-foot letters on the roof. House itself is resurfaced in gold and mirrors.

Federeal bureaucracy will go into meltdown. Expect press leak after press leak from multiple branches of the Federal Govt of how disorganised and unworkable things are under President Trump. The pissing contest between President and bureaucracy will be fun, but I expect only one winner and it wont be Trump.

Actually, with Trump in charge the bureaucracy would be about the only thing that would go well. Assuming he could fire people for poor performance.

We’d have nothing to worry about. North Korea would invade South Korea. Putin would take back Alaska. China would claim Hawaii. The south would succeed again. California would fall into the sea. Cuba would invade Florida. Global warming would make Canada inhabitable. Illegal immigration would stop, and the illegal immigrants would leave. Rosie O’Donnell would get a new late night show. Toupee stock would double overnight.

What bad could happen?

He would do a better job than some of the people running. He would do the same mediocre job as any of the rest of the candidates if they were elected.

A few days ago Scott Adams of* Dilbert* fame blogged How Trump Becomes President

Trump has actually given more money to Republicans than he has to Democrats.

Republicans are perfectly happy to use Imminent Domain themselves, especially lately with the Keystone Pipeline deal.

Well, there’s no doubt he’ll get the minority and women’s vote. :rolleyes:

World opinion of the U.S. would plummet if he became president. Like a sad cartoon where the main character is a monkey who has access to weaponry.

He is in a unique situation however whereas he doesn’t have to answer to anyone and promote specific interests or risk losing money to fund his presidency bid. Too bad he’s a buffoon.

The country would be officially remamed “The Trump United States”

Mr Shine, you’re about 27 posts too late. :slight_smile:

We have plenty of evidence over the last 4-8 years that Congress can pretty well stymie the executive.

Trump may well be *claiming *today that most of what he’s proposing can be done by executive fiat assuming a responsive (or cowed) executive branch bureaucracy. But the reality will probably demonstrate the bureaucracy is less than fully responsive to orders and Congress has a lot more influence than Trump or you currently suspect. They may not be able to do, but they certainly can don’t.

Well, no. ‘The Trump United States’ is a completely new, original, and uniquish variation.

And since it hasn’t been offered I’ll toss in ‘The United Trumps of American States’.

You’re right. I was hasty and unnecessarily exclusionary.

Considering who & what we’re talking about I propose
The Trump Trumps of Trump
They don’t get trumped, they *are *trump. And Trump.

I think I’d go with them.

He probably won’t come after Maine.

He can come with me to Canada. :smiley:

Don’t come . We’re full.