What is a good proxy server out there?

I can access the SDMB from my work computer with not a single glitch. However, beginning yesterday when I try to access my hotmail account or LJ it is blocked. I have no idea why I can access one and not the other.

So I am looking for a good proxy server.

Any you guys particularly like best?

Is your IP department blocking access to these sites for a reason?

Mine did a few weeks ago due to various virus scares.

Nobody has any idea. They aren’t real big on sharing info with us around here. I’ve asked but nobody seems to know what is going on.

It just seems odd I can get to any message board I want basically but not be able to access my hotmail?

When our access was blocked (I don’t use it, btw), it had been reported that over 5000 pieces of mail contained whatever virus was running rampant at the time.

Access was reinstated a few days later.