What is GWB saying to V. Putin in this picture? (VERY silly!)

As an avowed Bush hater and a confirmed Caucasian, I think he is worried about why the girl is wearing the goofy hat.

And how long does His Presidency have to put up with *weird *non-American things…

The event has also been held in Mexico and the US where the attendants dressed in traditional garb from those countries as well. They pose for these photos at every Asia Pacifi Economic Summit, regardless of whether the event is in Asia or North America.

This Wikipedia article lists the host countries and some of the garb for the photo shoot including Seattle (bomber jackets); Mexico City (guayabera shirts); and Santiago (chamantos).

Why are we all wearing these Hawaiian dresses?

I knew it! Bush is actually Zippy the Pinhead!

Pfft. APEC lets world leaders off easy. All they have to do is wear a crazy shirt for a few hours. At the ASEAN Regional Forum, foreign ministers are basically compelled to do a karaoke performance before the cameras. Colin Powell’s version of YMCA is that of legend.

Unfortunately, I’m having trouble finding the videos, but here’s a story about it:

Yeah, I’ve been noticing how I often default to “people” meaning “white”, which is pretty dumb considering that my students are about 75% Mestizo.

I’ve often wondered, too, how a suit-and-tie became so dominant in cultures that only really encountered them about a hundred years ago.

You be Dumbledore and I’ll be Harry.

What if they hold one in Canada, eh? Can you just see the Dubya and friends dressed with toques, smelly, dirty vinyl sports jackets, and oversize snow boots with a beer in one hand and scratching their butts with the other?

The bog mindles!

“This is going to be awesome! I love Gallagher!”

“I’m not wearing any pants.”

No cite, but I swear I’ve heard Putin speaking english during part of an interview. He doesn’t speak it well and usually uses an interpreter, but he can speak minimal conversational English.

Whoa. Someone pee in your Molsen?

Putin: “You know, I ended up in the president’s garden wearing a dress the last time I was in Vietnam, too. Is long story.”

Bush: Are we celebrating J. Edgar Hoover’s birthday?

Did you guys have to wear this shit when the Chinese were sucking up to the USSR?

OOOoooo refreshing! I should go commando more often!

“Hey Pooty, does yours have armholes? Think I’ve got this silly thing on backwards, heh heh heh.”