What is the day and date? Seriously

Three days ago all of my electronic devices; including ones not connected to the internet began showing the previous days date. I followed all recommendations to fix this and changed them manually. However now it appears that it may have been my error (due to long periods of daylight and napping? Thinking it became another day when I woke up.) I Just googled for the date and it gave me two different dates: 6/30 and 7/1


Doesn’t your cell phone or computer have the date on it? It’s 7/1/18

Yes of course however. . . OK I am a fool. During the past three days I must have taken a nap, woken when it was still very light and thought it was a new day. I know this sounds crazy weird. But when I woke up today I was convinced 7/2. And I manually changed all my devices. I did google for the date and got 2 different answers. I did not want to call anyone I knew and admit this.

In my defense it has been crazy hot here :o

Are you sure you’re ok? How much napping are you doing? Call a trusted friend/family and tell them to come check you out.
I am worried for you.

Where are you? Which sites were saying it was July 2 and where are they based? As I type this, it is already Monday July 2 in some parts of the world: Australia, New Zealand, and East Asia.

I travel quite a bit & when I’m in a city that is on the edge of a time zone, my phone/computer will often swing from (e.g.) eastern time to central time. Are you in a place where you are close to 2 different time zones & it was 11pm on 6/30, but 12am on 7/1 in the other zone? That’s all I can think of…

Oops, I misread the OP. No, it’s not still June 30 anywhere in the world.


Sounds like Google is confused about where you are. Next time try an inquiry like this: “what is today’s date in [your state or location]?”

Google should also be good about the time, as long as it knows where you are. “what is the time in [your city or location]?”

If anyone ever has any doubts about what date or time it is, go to the Official US Time. How well it works in other countries, I don’t know.

If you’re ever unsure about the time, there’s always https://time.gov/

You are so sweet. I’m OK. It is so hot here that I find it difficult to sleep at night, so due to the deprivation, I pass out in a nap sitting up. But I am not getting too much sleep. The bright daylight this time of year* has done this to me once before; where I wake confused and panic that it is the next day.

*from inside the house 6am daylight and 6PM daylight look the same to me

That was a site I tried second, after google coming back with 6/30, and received 7/1; however I was SO :smack: convinced, I thought it was a world wide problem??? :o

I could not possibly call someone who knows me IRL . . . the embarrassment factor:o

yes dahlink

That has happened to me, too, but don’t you figure it out within a short time? I mean, even completely devoid of any input to the outside world (I mean in the communication/technology sense), you realize that it’s getting darker rather than brighter as the hours go on, no? Or at least that it’s exceedingly unlikely that all your clocks suddenly skipped a day. Maybe nothing is wrong, but I’d keep an eye on it.

It only happened once before in 87. I had a trip planned with a friend who was to pick me up for a 6am flight. The day before, I took and nap in the afternoon, woke at 630PM and panicked. What no knock on the door! What no call? Then I realized my mistake, had a good laugh and a funny story to tell him the next morning.

I am very stubborn. So whatever day this misconception began; I convinced myself **I **was correct:smack:

FWIW. retired, rarely need to be anywhere, no TV, limited internet blah blah

Uh-oh. Looks like you’re one of the very few to detect Their tampering with the timeline. Expect a visit from strangely emotionless well-dressed strangers who will… umm… “help” you with your time perception “issues”. :slight_smile:

Oh, good. It’s just a timey-wimey thing.

It’s 8.42 am, Tuesday, July 3.