What is the first thing you ever ordered from Amazon and when?

Amazon lets you go back and check your full order history. What was the first thing you ever ordered from them and when (BTW I put this in CS rather than IMHO because I assume most of the answers will be media of some kind)?

For me it was June of 1997 (wow I am old) and I ordered four books in Harry Turtledove’s Worldwar series and two books on Conspiracies.

How about you?

November 1997. Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt.

What interesting is that I’ve never read that book. Don’t know anything about it. In fact, looking at my first handful of orders, it’s clear I did my Christmas shopping through Amazon that year, starting a grand tradition of buying gifts in a last minute panic while at work.

Can’t recall it was probably a book when they were getting started.

April 1997. Three books by Elmore Leonard: La Brava, Swag, and Gold Coast.
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The Amazon history thing only goes to 2006 for me despite knowing that I bought books from them previously. I know that, in 1998-99, I bought a copy of Michael A Dirr’s Manual of Woody Landscape Plants for a class I was taking and remember being amazed that I saved $20-$30 bucks on it (it was an $80+ book off the retail shelf).

World War Z in 2007.

I don’t know what I was thinking - October 17, 2001 “Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace” DVD. I can’t imagine why I did that.

There is one other item from 2001, but for some reason, Amazon can’t show me what it was.

It only lets me go back to 2009. I’ve had lots of orders going back at least 10 years before that.

2005…a subscription to the magazine “Bird Talk”, for a friend for her birthday.

Then I bought nothing for almost 2 years.

It’s been so long since I logged into Amazon’s site, I doubt I remember my credentials. I’m sure I ordered a few books and CDs back in the day. I still think of them as a book seller, although I hear they’ve branched out a bit. ;).

In February 2000, I bought John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman.

July 1997. A wonderful book: Mason and Dixon, by Thomas Pynchon. I ordered it from, and was sent to, Mérida, Yucatán, México. I inscribed it: “Purchased from cyberspace, 1997.”

I can only get back as far as November 2013, though I’m sure I used Amazon before that. Obviously Christmas shopping, I bought a cat-a-day desk calendar, a paperback Gone With the Wind, and a hardcover of The Best of John Bellairs.

August 2001 - The Avengers Emma Peel Box Set on DVD.

February 2005
3 Enya CDs-The Celts, Memory of Trees and A Day Without Rain.

Oh gosh, some book back in college. Early 2000s probably.

I don’t think it’s truly the earliest thing I bought from them, but according to my order history, in 2005, I bought some DVDs: The animated Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and Return of the King, The Last Unicorn, and Manos, The Hands of Fate.

For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence

Ordered in Nov 2004.

It was for a college course.

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Nov. 1999. VHS! Had a gift cert. to spend on something and couldn’t think of anything else back then.

What can I say, I like odd movies.

Due to some stupid behaviour by Amazon not allowing Australians into their US account anymore I can’t check specifics, but it was in 1997 or so, and it was an art book for the making of the Disney movie Aladdin. I think I also bought a music CD, but buggered if I can remember what it was. Maybe the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack.