In law school, people bring their laptops into classes for note-taking or to surf the internet (one guy entered into online poker tournaments during lectures, and ended up doing so well over the semester that he dropped out of law school).
Well, during the first semester, there was a girl sitting in front of me, and she was working out of a folder full of pictures. We saw her open one, and it was a close-up of a woman’s genitals, and frankly, it almost looked like a smoker’s lung. After our shock, she opens another one, and this one looked like it was splayed out.
This process continued throughout the class, and we stared in shock, horror, and fascination, as each image was worse than the last.
We didn’t talk to her for a week, because we had no idea what to say. Finally, some of us were sitting around the quad, and it turns out that her mom was a fairly famous plastic surgeon, focusing on labiaplasty.
My friend helped run her mom’s website, and on that day, she had been working on before and after photos of the work her mom did, and my friend was focusing on all the “before” photos to make sure they were paired up accordingly, by file name.
Every now and then, I would talk friends into visiting the website, because some of those pictures are right on the front page, and seeing the looks on their faces once the page finished loading…