I’m trying to think of what Trump can do or say next to get major media attention and piss off even more people. My solution: Holocaust Denial.
I figure this is pretty much all that’s left, This, and “Hitler was not evil so much as misunderstood.”
I’m trying to think of what Trump can do or say next to get major media attention and piss off even more people. My solution: Holocaust Denial.
I figure this is pretty much all that’s left, This, and “Hitler was not evil so much as misunderstood.”
Become President?
Move to East Asia, partner up with Kim Jong-Un, and attempt to “Make North Korea Great Again”?
Something tells me Kim would be down with that, just to piss us off.
Trump TV. I thought everyone knew that already. There are reports that he’s essentially given up on the election and is even more going-through-the-motions than before, because Trump TV (“All Hill-Leveling, All the Time”) is going to be yuge. The other media moguls may as well just sell out and pack it in now.
Falling from a great height.
And I, as an American citizen, would be down with that. As long as he hasn’t been told anything actually critical in his intelligence briefings.
Trump could be our secret weapon to bring down the North Korean government. He is actually the perfect plant, because he doesn’t even realize he is the perfect plant.
Donald Trump moving to NK would not piss me off in the least.
Think of the poor North Koreans!
He’d be in front of a firing squad within two weeks.
It would take him two weeks to get there?
He’ll give away his fortune to charity, become a monk and spend his remaining days contemplating the divine in obscurity.
The first move he makes to giving away his fortune, his kids will smother him with lawyers and hustle him off to a quiet, secluded place with tranks for breakfast.
Hopefully a sharp pain in his chest and numbness in his left arm. Be sure to call 119.
It’s hardly the “next” thing if we already know about it, though.
Though, technically, it’s not started. They are shopping it around, and had a Facebook livestream of the debate with commentators. They’re still trying to get it off the ground. Still, I doubt it will be the next thing that launches–assuming it does launch.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if Donald himself had nothing to do with it–it might be his kids trying to salvage the Trump brand that Donald has tarnished. The Trump we’ve seen in these debates doesn’t seem smart enough to have come up with the idea himself.
From a great height, from a grea-eat ha-a-a-ight… ha-a-a-ight.
Remember the intro to Mad Men? I hope he does one of those, from an upper floor of Trump Tower.
The Donald does not want to use a nickel of his own money to launch something like this, so they are currently looking for financing. Banks in the US have deemed Trump toxic for years. Private capital has now had a chance to have a good long look at Trump, and I doubt they like what they see.
The Trump “brand” has descended past the toilet, through the U-bend, and is now in the pipes below - this is where his target audience lives. And they don’t have a lot of money to spend on high-end stuff.
So this “Trump TV” notion will never get off the ground. Ever. I would not be surprised to see the Trump name removed from properties, hotels, golf courses etc in the years to come, because the name itself will now be a negative draw.
I still could see a website happening. It’s really not all that expensive.
What I meant by it not being the next thing is that is that Trump will say something else, or other revelations will happen, before we hear anything more about TrumpTV.
A website would be pretty pathetic and sad. Perhaps it can also sell Trump survival gear, Trump ammo and Trump gold certificates. Perfect for the New Trump.
I agree that Trump probably has more idiotic things up his sleeve. Another suggestion for him - he should announce that he’s bigger than Jesus, and he prefers his saviors to not get nailed to a stick. “That Jesus - not a winner!” Tell anyone who prefers Jesus over Trump that “They’re losers - sad!”