So, lately my various online feeds are starting to get filled up with Trump again. It feels like the various media are getting back into the business of “All the Trump That’s Fit to Print” again, in the long long run-up to the next Presidential election. I sure as heck don’t want him to be elected again, I also don’t want him to be occupying my head either. But, because he is rattling around in my noggin’, some parts of my grey matter think that there needs to be a solution.
Now, I would never suggest harm come to him or his family or supporters. As well I would never celebrate anyone who harmed him or his family or his supporters. (Some say never say never…)
So, what can be done? Total blue-sky thinking, outside of the box? Something that would remove him from our (my) political lives, satisfy his pathologically over-inflated ego, and satisfy his supporters?
How about we make him King?
Remake the US as form of constitutional monarchy, (ala much of Europe: Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, etc.) where the monarchy has no real governing power, and is instead largely ceremonial.
Let him and his family continue to live in gilded luxury, pea-cocking around wearing uniforms and sashes, thinking they are the shite. But the deal he has to accept is “NO POLITICS”. I mean, there is a lot of chatter that he never really wanted to “govern” anyway, and instead just wanted to be top dog. Hey, even Putin isn’t a King, so that would be a selling point. And his supporters could worship him as G*d’s anointed representative on earth.
Yeah, sure, this is the ultimate in speculative nonsense, but let’s bat it around, shall we?