What is your absolute favorite movie of all time?

The Hustler. Paul Newman, George C. Scott, Jackie Gleason, Piper Laurie, gritty pool halls, excessive drinking and chain smoking. What’s not to love?

True Romance. (Cool script. Tons of great actors at the peak of their games. And a down dirty love story.)

Same here.

Groundhog day was also my first choice.

Bambi Meets Gozilla. Action with minimal time-wasting plot

Tough question. The answer keeps changing, and depends on my mood when you ask it.

At present, my favorite is probably 2001: A Space Odyssey

This jockeys for first place with

Forbidden Planet
A Man for All Seasons
The Seven Samurai
King Kong (2005)

I can not choose in any decisive way, but my immediate answer would be:

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

It’s frame for frame absolutely perfect. There is not one moment in it I would change. Great script, great editing, great acting, great music, great everything.

In my view, a really good movie should be both innovative in terms of ideas and spectacular in terms of presentation. Despite many flaws, I think Jurassic Park scores high on those criteria.

A close runner-up would be 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I must be pretty flighty because I have a new “favorite movie” about every two or three months. LOL

If I had to pick one, however, it would probably be “Red” with the star studded cast of Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Karl Urban, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman, Mary-Louise Parker, Brian Cox, Ernest Borgnine, and Richard Dreyfuss. I love, love, LOVE that movie! :heart:

Favorite and Greatest are different categories.

My favorite is The Reivers

Three way tie Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Usual Suspects.

Some Like It Hot

Jaws (obviously)

Fluff-ya Story

The Blues Brothers

I’m not sure I have a favorite, but if I had to choose, probably The Princess Bride. It’s just astoundingly well crafted, and manages to both be a pitch-perfect parody of swashbuckling romances and a pitch-perfect swashbuckling romance itself.

If I thought TV Miniseries could count, I can re-watch Lonesome Dove (and most of the related sequels/prequels) and would count that as one of my favorite books and faithful movie adaption. For true movies, I’d have to go with Trainspotting though now I’m not as able to watch any of the baby scenes.

The Princess Bride :smiley:

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)
Tied with:
Ordinary People

I’ll name one - but I reserve the right to name a different one if asked again.

Blade Runner (The Final Cut)
