What is your favorite Infomercial?

Fellow Dopers,

What is your favorite infomercial? Whenever I am flipping channels and come across the Ronco Showtime Rotisserie, it’s like a train wreck. I have to stop and watch it. I even had one at one time, and I still have to watch the program.

I also love the one for the Thunderstick Mixer where they whip skip milk into whipped cream. :smiley:

The Magic freaking Bullet blender thingy.

I’m scared that if I see it one more time, I’ll buy it. I don’t need it and don’t want it, but the subliminal forces are strong.

I just love how the “party guests” keep getting more and more amazed that you can make so many things with it. People, it’s a blender. Of course it can make you a smoothie.

I’m right there with ya. When I would come home at 4 am this summer it would be about the only thing on TV and I sleep with the TV on, so I’ve seen it probably 20 times. If I had one, I’d use it to make individual mixed drinks and nothing else. A regular blender is a lot cheaper, but it doesn’t have INDIVIDUAL CUPS with COLORED PROTECTIVE RINGS TO IDENTIFY DRINKS!

I have deep fascination for exercise/fitness infomercials. There’s one on now for something called the “Abdoer”, which is a work of art, almost like something you’d read about in 1984.

“Abdoer! Doubleplus good! Better than others because you sitting DOWN!”

And then the camera pans across these models with chiselled bodies sitting out in the direct sunlight in some salt flats somewhere doing synchronized…stuff…on this thing that looks like a really wobbly office chair.

The best part in any of these are the testimonials, though. I can’t decide which type I like more. The one that transforms a pasty fat dork into a tanned smiling chiselled dork or the ones where there’s no real difference between the two photos, only one’s smiling and well lit.

The Bare Minerals face powder informercial owns me every time it’s on. I’m a sucker for makeovers.

I actually drove to Ulta at 8:30 one night once because I was overwhelmed with a need for mineral face powder.

And you know what? The stuff’s pretty darned good.

For me it is the Magic Bullet too! I like that it makes blended drinks, but what I like even better is when they make the alfredo sauce.

Set it and FORGET IT!!

I can believe I typed “skip milk”. :smack:

I use Bare Minerals makeup. Loooooooooove it. The Bullet Blender thing just rocks. I love that one too, and I can’t believe I didn’t think about it.

For some reason I like to leave on the cheesy 40-Disc 80’s music sets too. And don’t get me started on HSN, QVC, and ShopNBC! Woooooohoooooooo!

I have a magic bullet and love it. I mix up a protein drink almost daily. It is easier to clean up than a full-sized blender. I don’t use it for any of the other stuff that they show though, so I can’t tell you if it works as well as they claim for that stuff.

I watched one last week I liked. Bobby Rydell introduced hit songs from the 50’s for half an hour. I think the collection was Malt Shop Memories. He’s sitting in a diner chatting with 60’ish people (my age) who are astounded that “I still remember all the words!” Hell, that’s about all I remember from the 50’s.

Bobby’s still cute.

This is practically vintage now but I use to love that “hair spray” one. By that, I mean the colored spray for men’s bald spots. You just put a cut-out circle over the top of your head and spray. It is like you are 20 again! I am not balding and hopefully never will be so I was safe from the impulse but it was a fascinating watch anyway.

My current obsession is with the Gutter Flusher. Why climb ladders to clean your gutters when you can do it safely right from the ground? It blasts away leaves, dirt and other debris. When I first saw this, I was traumatized because we live in an apartment building and don’t have any gutters to clean.

Then, we bought a house. Gutter Flusher, you will be mine, oh yes, you will be mine. After the closing, I was looking at the house more closely, and realized we still don’t have gutters! What the heck? We bought a house with no gutters. How will I have the Gutter Flusher now?

I may have to console myself with the One Sweep Broom.

I love any of the ‘gadget’ infomercials. Magic Bullet? Check. Abdoer? Check. Sugar Home Hair Removal Kit? Check. Lite Brite Tooth Wite or whatever it’s called? Check.

We’ve got a channel over here on cable. I believe it’s called “Expo”. It’s a rolling program loop of all of the infomercials you can imagine, Guthy Renker, Danoz Direct. I love watching it at two am when there’s nothing else on. I don’t know if it’s the hokey testimonials, the clearly faked “results” photos or the neverending parade of amazingly white teeth and broad, broad grins, but it’s almost hypnotising. The only thing that’s funnier is TVSN, the actual home shopping network over here. And the only reason that’s funnier is because it’s live, and sometimes they fuck up in the most spectacular ways.

the magic bullet and any JUICE/JUICING INFOMERCIAL PARODY line:Boggleyurmindpassionmangolimesensationkiwi&tamarindnyquilanddephanol this juice
cures warts,diabetes,t.b., the plague , and gonorrhea all with a juice extractor for 29.99 and call right now and the food dehydrator is FREE FREE FREE!!!

I love most of them, but my favorites are the FoodSaver vacuum thingy and Jack LaLanne’s juicer of doom. Seriously, those juices don’t seem delicious, but kind of gross.

I also used to love the “Mommies” (one blonde, one brunette) and their weird pot that you heated up for about two minutes and then left to magically cook the food.

**Sierra Indigo, ** I am jealous. I would love that channel. You can get a similar effect, though, here if you watch the TV Guide channel late at night.

According to an informercial I saw one night on the Food Channel, they’ve brought back the Bedazzler. They’ve tied it in with the concept of “bling” now…it’s hilarious. And the hostesses put those little gem tacks on everything, right down to bathroom towels. Wonder how you dry off with a Bedazzled towel?

I really miss “Amazing Discoveries” – “Yes, Mike, it’s AMAZING DISCOVERIES!!! We’ve got the amazing PASTA PRESS!!!” and so on.

I have repeatedly gotten sucked into that one with the guy who played Greg Brady and some redheaded chick hawking a CD collection of 70s hits. For one, she looks too young to remember any of those bands, and for another, Barry Williams oozes so much smarm it’s almost palpable. You just know that between takes he’s trying to shove his tongue down her throat.

Back when I was broke and acne-prone, I’d watch those Proactiv infomercials and long for access to a credit card.

Who wouldn’t want to cut their hair with a vacuum?

Midgets selling real estate system. How can you beat that.?

ps The flowbee works very well. They tested it on a news program and every body laughed at it. Then said it gave a very good cut.