What is Your Favorite Retort to Squelch an Argument (Between Friends)?

I have a couple of retorts that I like to use when I’m either: a) tired of arguing, b) losing a friendly argument. I got to use my favorite today, and in a business setting, no less.

A colleague and I were going back and forth about some minor details of a plan, when I decided that I couldn’t take it anymore and stifled his argument with a deft, “What do you know about it, you dumb hippie!” That stopped him right in his tracks, and I was able to change the subject to something more interesting and relevant.

Then, when I’m in a more personal setting, I find that there’s nothing like a good “Up yours!” when the merits of an argument are lacking.

Any other good (and humorous) retorts out there that I can add to my limited repartee?

You can always talk about their mother.

“The mainstream media is nothing but propaganda.”

“Your face is propaganda!”

“Bunnies are soft”.


“I’m not screaming at you, I’m screaming with you.”

“<subject of argument> is the opiate of the masses!”

“Yer mom is a [insert cause of argument here]”

It then dissolves into laughter. Unless we’ve got a new guy in our midst…

Stick your fingers in your ears and chant, “La la la la la la la . . .”

Then there’s the classic, “Whatever . . .”

“Shut up, you still live with your ex-girlfriend”.

A favourite of mine since I first heard it:

“You’re just a smelly pirate hooker! Why don’t you go back to Whore Island!”

Extra points for knowing what film it’s from.

My brother and I used to use this method:

You: <restate your position>, endofconversation, can’thearyouanymore!

other person’s response

You: Wh-a-a-aaat?

*other person’s response

You: Wh-a-a-aaat?
Warning: This usually gets physical real fast.

“Oh yeah? Well the Jerk Store called and they’re running out of YOU!”

“Oh yeah? You fight like a cow!” – Monkey Island reference
“Well… you SUCK!”

or, one of those only-intelligible-to-us things…
“STFU, ffourgthrit!”

“Shut up before I beat you with a rake made of jalapenos and fire.”

Actually, I’ve never used that; I just read it yesterday at tomatonation.com and I’ve been dying to try it out.


I like to inform arguing parties that they smell of cabbage, and then I blow a kiss. That usually settles things down real nice.

“Talking to you is proof that there are things worse than death”

“Well, the great thing about a country such as ours is that everyone is entitled to an ignorant opinion”

“shut your cockport”

“You’re such a poopy head!”

Yeah, it’s a little second grade, but it always makes people stop in their tracks. :smiley:

I think the best one I’ve heard and used only once is…

After the opposing party finishes talking, I look them in the eye, give a dramatic pause, and in my best baso profundi, loudly pronounce…HA! Then I spin on my heel and walk away.

“Why, thank you!”

Works especially well if you’ve just been accused of acting childish.