What is your favorite webcomic right now?

I love Dick.

I follow a few webcomics religiously, like Questionable Content, Girls With Slingshots, Roomie, something Positive and a few others…but right now I am loving Looking For Group. Without my Dick a couple of times a week I get right cranky, I tells ya.

Order of the Stick is the only one I follow with any regularity and that’s probably mostly because of the thread in Cafe Society. Sometimes I go on Bug binges.

Crossed - wish you were here. It is extremely disturbing horror.

The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage. It’s about the slowest webcomic* to update out there and I still check every day.

*But it has footnotes.

That’s slow? Try Amazoness!-the last update was 2010 and fans still check back for updates.

Spinnerette. Superhero goofiness. And just today starting a new chapter!

Accidental Centaurs
Exiern (older cartoons are NSFW)
I Dream of a Jeannie Bottle
Kevin and Kell
Questionable Content
Wayward Sons


My top 5:

User Friendly
Irregular Webcomic
Questionable Content

And I still go back and read Queen of Wands every once in a while.

Cyanide and Happiness

Non-adventures of Wonderella

I read Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, but mostly out of habit.

And I read Spamtoons about once a week, catching up in one shot.

I never let a day go by withour reading Least I Could Do.

Two Girls and Guy


I’m really fond of Gunnerkrigg Court at the moment.

  1. Order of the Stick
  2. Gunnerkrigg Court
  3. xkcd
  4. Non-Adventures of Wonderella
  5. Scandinavia and the World

Looking for Group lost my attention around the introduction of the were-squirrel children. I realized I just didn’t care.

Junior Scientist Power Hour

Girl Genius
Dumbing of Age
Gunnerkrigg Court
Modest Medusa

Bug (or Bug Martini as it was recently renamed)
Dumbing of Age
Girls with Slingshots
Menage a 3
Order of the Stick
Questionable Content
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Something Positive
Two Guys and Guy

Sandra and Woo


Right now I’m on a Homestuck kick, but I also like Scandinavia and the World (and of course Hetalia, which started out as a webcomic). I cosplayed France from SATW at a con earlier this year, and if I can finish this next cosplay on time, I’ll be Porrim from Homestuck for my next con in a couple of weeks.