What Is Your God Like?

Not ‘who is your god’, because that’s easy, and boring. But what’s he (or she) like? The personality? Is he/she friendly? Gruff? Does he talk back, or not? What does he/she do, mainly? What occupies their time? I’m willing to bet that even if everyone in this thread worships the same God (impossible anyway, as you’ll see), we’ll have as many different descriptions as we will have responses.


My god…[del]he[/del] it is cold, silent, and terrifying. He is the most recent in a long line of gods of a sort. It’s an occupation. I mostly ignore him–I certainly don’t worship anybody–but that’s okay, because its only job is to take my soul away when I die. And of course, it doesn’t exist. It can be traced back to definitive man-made origins in 2009. That’s the thing about being an atheist. No matter how elaborate a mythology you create, no matter how devoutly you believe…in the back of your mind you know it’s not true. So yeah. I’m weird, and my spirituality is kind of morbid, which is probably why I’m not very spiritual. Hopefully, actual religious people will have more friendly gods.

I don’t have a god. I thought I did once but it turns out it’s not real so I had to find a makeshift god. I guess, if I have any god at all, it’s the song “All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.”

My god is a loving but disappointed parent. He’s all “I told you what to do, you know what to do, but you did the wrong thing anyway. sigh Want to go have a catch?” He’ll give you things, he’ll take away things. He doesn’t quite trust that we can figure stuff out on our own, which is why he sent his son to explain things AGAIN, and switched up the rules a bit to make it easier. But he’s always there to tuck you in at night.

Invisible and silent. And nonexistent.

You sound underprivileged. You may worship my god if you’d like. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, are you profaning against Our Lady of the Sacred Waters

I love this! I’ve always believed my God to be my disappointed Father, and I’m not even sure if that’s good or bad. It just IS. But no matter what, he loves me unconditionally. I just can’t get past the disappointing my father aspect. It’s a constant guilt thing with me. (I was raised Catholic- hmmm…)

Vengeful and terrifying. He rains down destruction on the just and the unjust alike. He may be temporarily placated with offerings, sacrifices and votive candles.

I’m an atheist, but if there is a God he is an absolute sociopath of the highest order. He creates diseases that kill children by the millions, he created Hitler and Stalin and Charles Manson, he created polio and AIDS and cancer. He is an absolute drooling lunatic who loves to watch the suffering of humanity.

He’s got noodly appendages.

Damn man you sound a little turned off by this psychopath some people call God.

May I suggest a much more, refreshing, view of God?

My God is more complex than any created being. He is a myriad of paradoxes because He transcends and exceeds description. He is the awesome, almost terrifyingly powerful creator of life, the universe and everything. He is the intimate friend and comforter of my soul. He knows me inside out, better than I know myself, and draws me into deeper joy. Yet he cares equally for all the rest of creation. He is angry with sin and the lover of sinners. He is passionate in his love for His creation and yet He allows us the freedom to screw it all up. He is Lord and Father and King, Redeemer and Savior and Friend, the mighty deliverer and the tender shepherd, the one who demands obedience and the one gives total freedom. In the end, words fail me and I can only stand amazed in His presence. How great, how awesome is He.

As an atheist, I draw comfort in the fact that I do not believe in God, because if I did, He would have to be as I described him above.

Mine is a loving creator who gave up part of His power so we’d have free choice, and how cool is that? He spends a lot of time doing the Godly equivalent of sticking His hands in His pockets and reminding Himself to let us commit our own mistakes, He’s already warned us but evidently some of us do need to pee on the electric fence (and whose fault is that, anyway? His, so He can’t go whine to anybody else). He doesn’t work by moving each atom “by hand” as it were, but by setting things in motion. A cosmic pool player, if you will.

He doesn’t answer in words, but He listens.

Huge, unknowable, and mostly hands-off. Sort of a clockmaker who occasionaly likes to tinker with the gears. Loving and caring, but also wants us to evolve to the point where we no longer need him.

He’s a smug jackass, who answers all your question with question, or some nonsense deepity. Even if the question is something like “hey dude, what’s for lunch” he will answer some nonsense like “does the moon breathe purple monkeys?” and walks off looking all smug like he just defeated you in a debate. Just writing about him makes me want to punch him in the face.

madmonk28 QUOTE:
I’m an atheist, but if there is a God he is an absolute sociopath of the highest order. He creates diseases that kill children by the millions, he created Hitler and Stalin and Charles Manson, he created polio and AIDS and cancer. He is an absolute drooling lunatic who loves to watch the suffering of humanity.

It sounds like you have God confused with the devil and man’s Free Will. MAN created all that crap- disease, wars, global warming, etc. People who don’t have a Loving God create negativity and it snowballs from there.

Negativity created cancer?

Brown hair, brown eyes, five eleven and a half. Loves to spend time on the water.

<Homer Simpson>Perfect teeth, nice smile, class act all the way.</Homer Simpson>

Actually, He is kind of like the neighbour down the street that I’m on nodding terms with. He has His own work and life, and I have mine.