What is your waist size? Don't be shy.

Hehe, thanks :slight_smile:

Used to be a 56 and now it is a 42-44 depending on the pants, and if I need to breathe…

26 inch waist, 32 inch inseam. 30 inch inseams fit better, but I like the hems touching the ground.

Polls belong in IMHO. I’ll move this for you.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB

34 inch waist, but I wear 36 with a belt. 34 length.


I used to be 32, hope to be back there soon.



I’m right there with Fishbicycle…35 inches, which is a lot better than my former 46. But I really need to be a 32.

BTW, I am male. It would be helpful to have gender associated with these posts.




and yes it is hard to find clothes that fit… but isn’t it at any size?

I should clarify that I’m a female, but I only wear mens pants because women’s pants have stupid huge hips that flop around on my legs.

I was 250, now I’m 225. Goal of 170. Woot.

My actual waist measures 27", but I would never try to buy pants in that size, since the waistband shouldn’t come up that high. So, given the hip/waist ratio, I believe my jeans size would be 31 or 32/34. Although I’d end up having to cinch the waist in an incredible amount.

Which is why I buy women’s pants.

I’m finally back at 34" after years hovering around 36-38.


34" waist
30" inseam

Re. the OP – the epitome of “philosophical navel-gazing,” no? :dubious:

28", but I wish it would be around 26" or less.

My inseam is probably too damn short… You know that women jeans come in petite (or short or ankle), regular, and long? The petite group is still long for me.

used to be a 32x32

now i’m hovering around a 34

I just wish it were as easy to make the numbers go back down as it was to make them go up in the first place
two years to go from 34 to 32
three months to go back CURSE YOU TASTY DELICIOUS FOOD

I wear 30/30 or 30/32 depending on brand of jeans. Sometimes 30 is big, sometimes its very snug. Male here.