What is yur favorite sound?

I’m right there with Renton_lvr – the THX test noise is one of the most glorious sounds I’ve ever heard. I just close my eyes and ride it.

I’m also very fond of light, tinkling, fairy-sounding bells.

Race car motors. Not indy-cars, they sound too whiney. Stock cars. Or drag-racers. I once was given the honor of sitting in a stock car with the motor on. (A used Winston Cupper. I sucked up to my uncle in Virginia, and he talked to the folks at Wood Brothers for me.) It was the BEST. If only they’d let me take it for a spin… but just the sound of the motor is awesome beyond words. (It’s tubular! Cowabunga!)

My friend Jay is the king of sound effects. He doesn’t even make the noises on purpose or consciously, he just DOES. I hit him today in class because he said something stupid, and he made this “WHOP” noise that was the funniest thing I’d heard all day. I want him to record the sounds for my computer, and have that WHOP thing on there often.*

Gunslinger has the cutest voice. I wish I could hear him talk for more than 45 seconds at a time. I adore his accent.

[sub][sup]*Isn’t there something in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy about a spaceship that sounds like a whole lot of people all saying “WHOP” at the same time? That’s what Jay’s WHOP noise reminds me of.[/sub][/sup]

Yep. The Krikkit battleship in Life, The Universe, And Everything.

I have to agree with the good Commander: Breaking glass is the best sound, particularly when there’s not a loud associated sound from what caused the glass to break.

A close second is the sound of shell casings hitting the concrete on the range. That cute little tinkling sound is just so counter to the sound of the report itself. Of course, you should be wearing hearing protectors, but the kind with the noise intensity cut-out microphones cut the report and amplify the casings hitting the ground beautifully

I third that.

Ah, yes Fallen Angel, Concrete Blond was GREAT!
I love that line.

Sounds mean so much to us everyday. Today I heard another great one. The heartbeat of my love as I had my ear to his chest. The heatbeat, a truly great sound!

Ever notice sound in Movies? If it is good you don’t pay much attention because it just sounds right. But when it does not fit, you notice. Soundmen, great unsung heroes of film.

Keep 'em coming.

A woman gasping in the throws of a powerful orgasm, of course!

The sound of a cricket ball being hit by a cricket bat. Unless, of course, I am bowling.

Just about all kitty purring, mewing, trilling noises that are not a result of them being in heat. Neuter or spay, please.

I like to hear coffeepots perking…

I love to hear people laugh, as long as they aren’t laughing at me…

The sound of NO sports whatsoever being on any sort of appliance anywhere around is truly marvelous.

The humming splashy sound of the filters and bubblewands in my fish tanks is very relaxing… also the sound of the goldfish rooting around in the marbles on the bottom of their tank.

::raindrops falling::
A greatful moan
A mournful howl

Sooo many…

The crack of the bat followed by the roar of the crowd.

Rain w/thunder.

The ocean.

Wind rustling the leaves.


A young child giggling.

Wind through trees.

The hum of a fan late at night.

The soft sensuous moan of satisfaction and comfortable ease from my girlfriend laying her head on my chest.

I have to say the most satisfying sound is from Aliens.
When Ripley goes to rescue Newt at the end of the film, she has to pull away the crust from Newt. The sound this made was glorious.

Come again?
I keep repeating this, trying to figure out what you may have meant…

For me, I like the sound of an oscillating fan on a warm summers evening.

Mine are;
-that “pop” upon opening a chilled bottle of beer, followed by the sound of a glass being filled!
-the roar as a 10-cylinder Dodge Viper engine roars to life
-the clink of US $100.00 gold pieces dropping into my strongbox
-the crash of waves on a sandy beach!

The opening of an envelope that contains incoming money for stuff I’ve worked hard on

My SO calling me for no reason except to call me

The opening of a door that leads from somewhere freezing cold to somewhere warm

Puncturing the seal on a jar of coffee (once officially defined as ‘phot’, I forget where)

Kids playing in crunchy snow

Midnight rain that only you are listening to

A Barry Manilow concert ending

Wilfully inconsiderate smokers suddenly choking and spasming on their weed

Hearing my dauther say “Daddy, I love you.” Sorry folks, but nothing will ever be able to top that. Nothing. No way. Not ever.

Well seriousart, you know those shopping carts that are folded up rather than the older kind, when you lower the basket there is a sqeak that it makes, I really do like that sound. I will stand in the grocery store and raise and lower the basket numerous times, I will also get numberous glances. But I also like the sound of chalk on a blackboard, so call me unique (not weird, we will reserve that for those who like the sound of an oscillating fan–umm I mean for those who like weird sounds :wink: )

Bonk. Like when you hit yourself in the head with an empty 2-liter bottle.

  • The sound of 25 Indy Cars (CART) flooring it off the 4th turn into the Start/Finish line. Makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

  • The sound of the wind whistling through palm trees.

  • The ocean

  • That little groaning growl thing my dog does when she’s sleepy and I decide to rub her belly.

  • Cats purring, especially Tigers and Lions.

  • The sound(s) a really passionate man makes when he gets off because of whatever I did to him…

  • The sound my car makes when I back up for a long distance quickly

  • The sounds of a tape gun… means my staff is ultra busy and our busy season (summer) has arrived!

  • Any good thunderstorm, complete with lightning. Best listened to in bed, with animals purring as accompaniment. Or “Pretty Hate Machine” playing in the background.

  • The squeaky sound you make walking across a pristine, snow-white beach. Now, that’s some clean sand!