What Kind of Punk-Ass BS is This? Creationist Museum

Link, what kind of fucking moron so-called Christian puts this shit together? Fucking, fucking assholes. Go to school, you’re an embarrassment to your religion.

I think they watched too much Flintstones.

One phrase I like from the article-- “Biblically correct”. If only it could pick up the same derisive connotation as “politically correct”.

Wow. That really is quite sad.

Still, this:

bothers me almost as much. Why the hell would you threaten an institution like this? What possible threat could they pose to anyone with two brain cells to rub together?

Furthermore, how in sweet christ did they raise $27 MILLION to put this shiite together?

Well who else do you think the dinosaurs willed their money to?

How does this (silly) museum make them “fucking, fucking assholes”?

Dammit, now there’s dinosaur milk all over my keyboard.

Gimme time and I’ll see what I can do.

They’re liars for one thing. They’re out to fleece naive, but often decent people for another. They’re toxic to the culture for another.

There’s a difference between the Jesus Horse purveyors like Ham and Hovind and Behe and Dembski and the marks they sell this crap to. Most people who believe this junk and buy their books and go to their “lectures,” and will go to this “museum” are mostly just ignorant, scientifically illiterate, religious (not a bad thing) and vulnerable to exploitation.

The assholes who pimp this twaddle actually KNOW what bullshit it is. They KNOW they’re lying and they do it anyway, not for any sincere religious reasons but just to make money. The Creationism industry is every bit as much a cynical con as faith-healing. The worst part is the damage they do to the culture, not just by poilticizing it but by literally demonizing science.

Ah yes…these are the King James Only types…they apparently got the figure from adding together the ages of the Bibilcal patriarchs. These are Biblcal literatists to the extreme!

Earlier threads on this museum include
Museum exhibit to show dinosaurs and man co-existing
What would you have said to creation museum guy?
The Creationists ride again - on Jesus Horses

(Plenty of snide comments for all :stuck_out_tongue: )

Because these beliefs are about ten thousand times more popular than the Liberal Christians at the SDMB want everybody to believe they are.

Have you considered the effect of compound interest?

I wish them all the success the last Creationist theme-park guy had.

I agree, but ersatz defenders of science do a fine job of that by themselves.

Because the majority of Americans are creationists.

“…museum spokesman and vice-president Mark Looy…”

Those disrespectful fuckers! Leaving the ‘n’ out of his name!

Don’t think that was the answer Operation Ripper was looking for.

Why do shiites hate America?