What movie would you like to see remade?

Another current thread on the remake of *The Longest Yard * made me think of this. One of my favorite movies is Westworld. I saw it again recently and couldn’t help wondering what it would look like with the help of current technology. Michael Crichton created *Westworld * and he would use the theme of ‘fantastic amusement park gone berserk’ again in Jurassic Park. The theme of ‘being stalked by robot’ also wears well as evidenced by movies such as The Terminator.

I would like to hear what other movies people would like to see remade. There are no wrong answers. I don’t want this to turn into criticism of another’s taste.

I would like to see *Westworld * made with someone like Ray Liotta as the robot gunslinger (originally played by Yul Brynner.) Maybe the Richard Benjamin character could be played as a young yuppie (Matt Damon?) or as an middle-aged man trying to regain some excitement (Harrison Ford?).

So here are the rules for this thread. Feel free to post any remake suggestion without fear of snobbish criticism. But anybody is allowed to make suggestions for the casting of your movie. For example someone might think John Malkovich might be a better candidate for the robot gunslinger who just won’t quit.

Give it a try. Maybe you’ll get an offer to become a casting director.

SW IV,V,VI. Blade Runner. Tron.

Sod the others. I want to see Tron re-made. NOW!

The Puppet Masters, played straight as Heinlein wrote it, this time.

Starship Troopers, ditto.

Arena, the Fredric Brown short story that has been ripped off innumerable times. Even the version they made for Star Trek (TOS) wasn’t at all true to the story. I’ve plotted this one out in my head – I’d love to see it done.

I could live the rest of my life happy without seeng a remake of Westworld – I wasn’t that fond of it to begin with.

This Island Earth – only this time actually following the plot of the book, which they completely jettisoned for the 1956 version.

Star Wars Episode I and II, preferably with a script this time.

Johnny Mnemonic, following the story as written. I can see it opening with Johnny walking through the streets on his way to the bar, and a voice-over of the “technical boy” speech. The climactic fight between the cloned ninja and the razorgirl, as written, would blow me away. And then there’s the War Whale and his SQUID…

It could have been so good, but we got what we got.

The League of Extrordinary Gentlemen. It had so much potential, it could have been an awesome movie… and it sucked.

Battle Beyond the Stars could do with an update. Possibly reset as a western. Or even in Feudal Japan.

Queen of the Damned, with Akasha’s plans and motives presented as they were in Rice’s novel. And Hannibal, with Harris’ original ending. (I don’t know how to do spoiler boxes or I’d provide details – but you probably know what I’m talking about. The filmed versions of these novels were two more examples of Hollywood wimping out!)

Please remake Star Wars 1 and 2 if you are listening George Lucas. Or at least use that technology you harness to revamp the films.

Please remake Love Actually…no scratch that, take 30 minutes off the film. Same with Down with Love.

No but really remake Sparticus.

Am I the only one who doesn’t consider most of these remakes? If two movies get made based on the same book, that doesn’t make the second one a remake of the first, unless the second movie actually is based on the first movie. MHO, anyway. As for original films to be remade, nobody ever agrees about these because either they think the original was bad and so why bother, or the original was good and so why bother.

I agree about Tron, though. That would be cool.


Again, go back to the source, and get an experienced screenwriter to do the adaptation, a capable director, and a cast that doesn’t suck. Kriss Krisstofferson and Cheryl Ladd? Directed by Michael Anderson? Sure, it’s a time-travel story, but lets not go to hell with the joke.

Air Raid is a great story, with potential for a great movie.

All we got out of the first go-round is something to tease Scott Thompson about.

Maybe. Once a movie has been made, it’s been made. A second attempt is a remake, even if it’s starting fresh from the original source.

There are a few movies that I would like to see get remade. They include:

The Keep - The book was awesome, but the movie was rather lackluster

Raise The Titantic - As a man who likes Cussler novels, I thought this movie was well done for the time, but, c’mon, they really should redo it.

Oooh, yeah, but they’d have to get Robert Vaughn to be in it for it to really work.

(You catch it again on cable the other night, too?)

[sub]That remains to be seen, Shad. Have a nice fight…[/sub]

I would like for somebody to make an ORIGINAL movie for once. Hollywood is just choking on its own vomit these days. All those silly explosions, etc. cost so damn much they can’t afford writers or something.

The LastStarfighter

Potential to be completly awesome, just please don’t make it all CGI.

Chorus Line was a very good Broadway musical, but one of the worst films ever made.

But we are wasting out time. Hollywood is filled with idiots…instead of re-making a bad film to make it good, studios continually want to take a good film and remake it into something bad.

Breaking Away

Day of the Triffids. The book was good, but the b&w film sucked.

Night Crossing. I saw it in the theaters when I was 11, and haven’t seen it since. Can’t find it in any local rental outlets. Sometimes, I swear I was the only one who ever heard of it.

I saw it in class. I clearly remember a scene with a hot air balloon catching fire, but the family having a super-spraying fire extinguisher, which I thought was totally awesome.