What peanut butter (or any ground peanut paste) pairs with, March 2024 edition

When I went camping as a kid with the Girl Scouts, we used to make “banana boats” - slit open a whole banana sitting on a piece of foil. Stuff the banana with your choice of peanut butter, chocolate chips, brown sugar, mini marshmallows or marshmallow fluff, seal the whole thing in the foil, and set on campfire coals until everything oozes together.

It sounds much too rich to me now, but it was great kid fare!

When I was little my grandmother would make me peanut-butter-and-BUTTER crackers (saltines). I’ve almost never dared do this in adult life, but they are crazy good.

Just whipped up a fresh batch of PB in the Vitamix this morning. It is so good I’m spoiled for any store-bought brand. I get the big canisters of Planters’ Dry Roasted from Costco, but adding oil is unnecessary. It’s worth the price of the blender for this use alone.

Yeah, the idea of peanut butter and mayo curdles my brain, but I still remember the rush from eating peanut butter and butter when I was a kid. I probably haven’t done it in more than 50 years (I’m 68).

The point is whether it tastes good. There’s no room for logic.


The classic Ants on a Log.
Celery, with peanut butter filling it, with raisins on top.

By that, I mean it doesn’t seem like something that would taste good to me. But I’ll give it a shot—I’m up for anything food-wise.

Peanut butter on toast (or bagel or English muffin) with a little bit of maple syrup drizzled upon it.



Ok, well, at least I could say I tried it now. It tastes exactly as I would expect peanut butter and mayonnaise to taste. Maybe if there was something in addition to the mayo it could work for me, but I find it strange that this is a common enough combination.

That’s #1 for me.

In childhood it was peanut-butter-and-honey sandwiches, preferably on whole-wheat bread.

In the service, this qualifies as “hot food.”

For lunch in grade school, I would crush potato chips and put them on my peanut butter sandwich.

The great thing about the peanut butter and banana sandwich is that it’s actually pretty healthy. I’d go for Dave’s Killer Bread and Nutzo peanut butter (it’s a blend of half a dozen nuts and seeds). Add honey if you want to be decadent. Don’t forget to toast the bread!

I know I have mentioned this before in another thread, but tomato soup.
I stir a dollop of PB into a can of Campbell’s for lunch at work. The peanut butter doesn’t always break down in the microwave though. On the stovetop at home, it completely mixed in. Sometimes I add a dash of smoked paprika.

Maafe is a West African peanut paste- based stew.

Huh, I might try that! I don’t usually buy condensed soup, but for some reason there are a couple of cans of Cambell’s tomato soup in my pantry, so that’s a good way to use them.

(Just remembered why I have them - to make “tomato surprise cake.” Delicious - but contains no PB.)

I’ve been eating them since I was a kid, so that’s about 65 years now without ill effect. My brother taught me that the proper way was to use the whitest bread you can find (think Wonder), put PB on half of a slice, mayo on the other half, then fold it. That way “the flavor doesn’t run out”.

Waves at pulykamell.

I know I’ve mentioned before that I really like a grilled hot dog with chunky PB and sriracha.

So PBJ & mayo was a “not for me” kind of thing after trying it, but I also tried the peanut butter and butter. That worked pretty well, especially on a cracker, as the creamy dairy of the butter worked well with the peanut butter. Then again, I also like peanut butter and cheese, especially spreadable ones (like Merkt’s or Kaukauna). Add a touch of jam to that and you’re golden!

Didn’t realize the PB/butter was not universal - I always butter my toast before putting PB on it, delicious, and helps keep it from sticking to the roof of my mouth, too!

What goes with peanut butter? Same thing I answer for every What does with… thread:

I know it as schug, very much a coriander (/cilantro) and chilli version, manufactured by a local Israeli bakery. I know I’m a bit of an evangelist for it, but just think about this: peanuts and chilli and coriander/cilantro - it just can’t fail. Helluva sandwich.
