My husband grew up with one dog. He likes pets, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to get one. We have a 100 pound black lab, 2 cats, a guinea pig, 2 hermit crabs, and 2 fish tanks. (All thanks to me) I am also getting 2 new guinea pigs soon. To me this is slightly on the high side of the average number of pets people have. He thinks I’m crazy. Am I? What pets do you have?
Three cats, three dogs (I had one dog, my SO had two dogs and then we met - I don’t think I’d have three all at one time again) and I have a horse. I don’t really count my horse as a pet since we live in town and she is boarded at a farm. Sometimes the number seems excessive, but we don’t have children and I enjoy all of them.
We have four cats - the ginger tabby Murray, the tortoiseshells Eleanor and Anastasia, and the siamesish Sophie. We’ve also got a dog, the chow/black lab mix Princess. They’re all very good friends of mine. For the most part. Heh. (There’s the issue of that pscychobitch Anastasia, but we get along occasionally.)
When I went to college I left my tabby Catherine with my mother. She’s the sweetest cat in the world, and I’ve always missed her. She’s - jeez - sixteen or seventeen years old now, if she’s a day.
We, or rather my daughter, has recently gotten three male gerbils. We had two female gerbils some years back, and I’m sort of surprised that their habits are so different.
The girls were certainly more destructive - they would easily reduce a wooden spoon to nothing within a few days, and would chew metal - the lid of the tank still bares the marks.
The boys are wusses in comparison. I gave them a wooden spatula as their first chew toy - three weeks later it’s still there, just a few nibbles round the edge. They prefer easy to chew stuff, like straw and wood shavings.
8 cats, yes that’s way too many. Kute kuddley kittens are just way too tempting but then they grow up.
3 quaker parrots, although I am giving the spare to a co-worker with an aviary so he won’t feel left out.
and a duck. Yes, a duck. I raised the little bugger hoping to release it when it was grown. I even tried not to handle it too much. Well, it had a wing injury that was not noticable when it just had little stumpy wings and by the time it feathered out it had already healed incorrectly so it cannot fly. I have been trying to find it a home with someone who has a private enclosed pond where it would be safe from predators. No luck yet, in the meantime it has grown rather fond of my feet.
At one time I had 4 large dogs, this was really too much for me to handle and I told myself I would not get another dog until I had the time to take it to training classes and my house fixed up the way I want it. Also I would never have more than one dog again and the dog would not weigh more than I can lift. So I still don’t have a dog.
I also promised myself I wouldn’t get any more cats … 4 cats ago.
Right now we have a dog, 2 water turtles, 2 goldfish and a tadpole. We are in discussions regarding the acquisition of another dog.
My mom, at one time, had 2 dogs, 4 cats and a full-grown potbellied pig living at her house.
Two mixed breed poochies: Bobby Ranger and Gideon Louis.
Three cats: Skunk Marilyn, Champion Golden Goblin and Cleo Rosie Toes.
One guinea pig: Artie.
Three Gold Fish: Harry, Hermione and Ron (purchased the same weekend we saw Prisoner of Azkeban).
The dogs and cats all came to our home as adults and are spayed or neutered so I don’t feel so bad about the quantity.
2 dogs and 6 fish. That’s more than enough for us. My son wants a crab or a spider but I’ve put my foot down on obtaining either of those.
Growing up I had 3 cats, 2 birds and various fish.
Wow, so I’m the only normal chap here! One pet, a male boxer…
Must remeber to preview :smack:
Please insert a at the end of that post!!
Two kitties:
Meryl we got from my sister, who decided that she doesn’t like cats that require any attention at all. Despite her apearance, her behavior is typical siamese - which I adore. She’s very sweet and active. We got her shortly after what the vet said was her second litter. He also said that she was around two or less. :eek:
We got her fixed shortly after we got her. Since then, she has filled out nicely, no longer a small cat that is only bones - rather a normal cat, now.
Millie is one of Meryl’s babies from her second litter. Millie is a typical bruiser-cat, and the most stubborn animal I’ve ever met. You could spray her right on the nose with a spray bottle, and she would just pin back her ears, skrunch up her eyes and keep sniffing it - even after you sprayed her a second time.
Despite this, she is just adorable, and has a cute black heart marking on her side
We also have two ferrets, Miss Chan and Monkin, and an aquarium.
Growing up, I had dogs, cats, a rabbit, a gerbil, a guinea pig and other pets. My girlfriend just had cats.
I have two cats. One of them is Hobbes, about ten years old. He’s mostly gray with a white chin and belly. The other one is Patches, about three years old. He 's mostly black with patches of white on his underside and on his face, hence his name. My friend and roommate has a cat of his own. His name is Ludo (the cat). He’s also about ten years old and is part Maine Coon.
Growing up we always had several cats, as many as four at a time. I even remember all their names: Herky (f), Percy (m), Samantha (f), Rastus (f), Tiger (m), Gray Boy (m), Spunky (m), Goldie (f), Tuffie (f) and Oliver (m). The last three are the ones my parents currently have.
I never had any dogs growing up, and since I’m not much of a dog person and never was I don’t regret that I never had a dog while growing up (big dogs scared me and I just didn’t like them). I was always happy with the cats we had and I’m still very much a cat lover to this day.
We should work a deal, I like adult dogs and cats and detest the puppy/kitten phase. I like a well trained and behaving dog, and a cat that is mellow enough to like sitting on a lap. I hav yet to have a kitten that liked sitting on laps until they were at the year old point=(
Also we have 2 inside cats, our roomie has 2 outside and 1 inside cat, and other roomie has a cheshire retriever who thinks it is a cat, and our roomie has made pets out of a rooster and one hen…but the rest serve to lay eggs and be eaten as appropriate=) We did have 4 ducks named huie, dewie, louie and donald but the racoons thought they were tasty=\
We have the lovely Tino & Willow, our terrier-mix pound pups.
I grew up with a dog and for awhile a guinea pig; jeevmon came from a non-pet home and was in fact not a fan of dogs when he met Tino and me. His conversion was complete with the addition of Willow this past winter.
Two cats (basic domestic short-hairs - one all black female and one black and white male) and one dog (a female yellow lab).
The cats are shelter cats, and the dog we got from some friends of friends who no longer wanted her. I can’t imagine why; she’s the sweetest doggy I’ve ever met.
We have three cats: Simon (orange), Zippo (black) and Phoebe (tortoise-shell).
I grew up with dogs. My mother didn’t like cats, and was allergic to them, so I never lived with a cat until I got married. I guess you could say I’ve been converted.
I have 2 cats, 1 dog and a rooster. The kitties live inside & the dog and the rooster live together outside. They even sleep together!
I have two cats: Jake and Scout.
I’ve had them for a year in August - they’re 3 or 4 years old. A friend got married and her (then) fiance is allergic to cats - Jake and Scout are declawed on their front paws, so they couldn’t become outdoor cats on their farm. The one that she had that still has his claws went with them. They’re littermates and hate to be separated.
Jake is affectionately known as “PuddinAss” and Scout is “Whiner” or “Baby”. Jake has also decided that he has to sit on my arms right now, so I must go pet him, as is my only duty in this life. Beyond feeing them and cleaning the litterbox.
2 dogs (15 lb. peekapoo and 90 lb. lab) , 5 mice, and three fish. The dogs are family, I adore the mice ( what great little pets they are!) but the fish yawn I could do without.
More DOGS! more MICE! bring 'em on!!
We have four cats (Fred, Wilma, Hawkeye, and Ramona). We got the oldest in late 1991 and the youngest in mid-1994. And I have a betta named Nero. I always have at least one betta.