What sci-fi movie am I thinking of please? (It's not Avatar)

Again it’s NOT Avatar.

I remember blue aliens living on a white sands beach like environment. And they had these blue ball things that were important to them.

I forget what the blue aliens used them for. But there are other (human?) aliens that want to take these blue balls from them so they can use them as fuel for their spaceships. (Or something like that)

So basically that’s what the movie is about. Bad guys steal the blue balls and then the blue aliens get their retribution.

That’s all I got guys.

Thanks for your help.

I looked up “aliens with blue balls” and it didn’t go well.

Here’s a couple of longshots: Fantastic Planet and Delgo

Thank you but not it.

I don’t think this movie could be any older than 10 years old. If that. Probably more like 5 years old.

Could be Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.

Aliens, beach, magic spheres, all check.

That’s it.

Thank you so much.

I haven’t read the whole thread, but blue aliens with something that humans want to take to use in spaceships… Might it have been Avatar?

For completeness, i assume this scene is relevant.

You’re a braver man than me, Gunga Din!


You’re welcome.

(Real mixed bag, this movie. Two thirds of it is crazy cool Euro-style sci-fi silliness, and the remaining third is unsuccessful bordering on incompetent. Really frustrating watch.)

The reviews at the time were overly harsh I think. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it is fun, and inventive, definitely in the top third of action sci-fi movies IMHO.

The thing that irked me in particular was that Cara was often singled out for criticism of her acting, maybe because she was still better known as a model? But I thought she did a reasonable enough job, it was Valerian himself who often broke disbelief (and was basically miscast).

Terrible movie, thanks especially to terrible acting.

I was so hopeful for Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets because The Fifth Element is a favorite and it worked so well. Sadly, Valerian did not.

Was it Citizen Kane?

and terrible casting. The French graphic novel series was very popular (and, many claim, very influential, especially for Star Wars). The male lead, Valerian, is supposed to be your classic hero, square-jawed and handsome

In the movie, he’s played by Dane DeHaan, who, in my opinion, isn’t

In Valerian, weren’t the blue aliens massacred as a side effect of an interplanetary war? The humans didn’t really care about them that much? I’ve mostly forgotten the movie, so could be wrong.

Agreed the movie had a visual flair and some cool ideas but was held back by bad casting and a tiresome, draggy middle sequence which was kinda racist.

I didn’t think the two leads had much chemistry, though I did like the origin story of the city itself.

Dane DeHaan was terrible in the role, but Cara Delevingne who is barely an actress was worse and yet, Rihanna was able to bring the acting level down even further.

I saw it the one time at the movies and will never watch it again. But it was seriously disappointing. I’ll be honest and admit I can’t remember how Ethan Hawke, Clive Owen and Rutger Hauer were, but the terrible acting of DeHaan, Delevingne & Rihanna really stayed with me.

I’m surprised the movie even got a 47% Critic and 53% audience score from Rotten Tomatoes.

The clip linked here was plenty enough to put me off. Cool visuals though.