What separates men from boys?

“Man children” don’t know how to do basic things. Like cooking their own meals, cleaning up their own dwellings, paying their own bills, and tackling their problems head-on.

Lots of “man children” are married with children. It is true that a lot of men become less child-like when they are made responsible for another human being. But you can become responsible without going down this path.

You know want to know what I think what separates adults from children, psychologically? Children allow their parents to influence their opinions. In contrast, adults are able to see that their parents are full of wisdom AND bullshit, and they know how to distinguish the two. If your parents are giving you a hard time for not living some highly romanticized lifestyle, then shut that BS down with a well-crafted argument. Or stop talking to them.

They are indeed signs of adulthood in both sexes. But my experience is that there are a lot more grownup women than men, and I stand by my statement that the generality of women would agree with that.

They become inferior to females beginning at 14, or so the claim goes.

The generality of women may agree but that doesn’t make them right. It’s offensive to the many men who are responsible adults, and also women who don’t think that gender is a way to determine whether someone acts like an adult or not. It’s very easy to point to plenty of both male and female adults who are irresponsible and selfish.

And I observe that the difference between girls and grown-up women is that grown-up women are self-entitled, have a high opinion of themselves, and reject Ross’s concept of the fundamental attribution error. Positions that the generality of women agree with them on.

Both women and men can be immature. I guess the point I was subtly hinting at (or that just went unsaid) was that there must be some specific markers of adult masculinity that ARE gender specific but not purely physical. If so, what are they? I suppose it’s possible there aren’t, but … well, that would upset the romantic notions many people have.

True, but if you follow the Dave Barry philosophy closely it turns out that “men” is a theoretical, or de jure concept; that is, “men” is supposed to be what boys become when they grow older, but it isn’t. When boys grow older they mostly turn into “guys”. “Men” is a vanishingly rare subspecies, rarely found in nature. :smiley:

Of course that depends on how “being a grown-up” is defined, right? And who is to say that women get to define it exclusively their own way? I don’t think being a grown up is something women get to define and that men have to honor exclusively. It’s funny how often that seems to happen though.

Wonder why.

Why are you trying to make a statement for anyone but yourself? What value is in it? State your opinion without trying to drag other women into it. I resent like hell having to say that you don’t speak for me.

Well, when men think all women should have sex any time men want it, clean up after everyone else, and suffer in silence, we say those men are naive (or some other less-nice word; it’s possible to lack knowledge/experience and NOT be an @$$hole though). I’d say when women think all men should act the way women think they should act, the same term applies.

Body hair and increased muscle mass. Not very profound, but there you are.

Welcome to the club. I’m also financially self sufficient but chose not to get married, have kids or buy a home. I run into the same thing, I’m not an adult to many people.

Supposedly there are a variety of things society deems necessary to qualify as an adult.

A career that offers self sufficiency
Own a home
Be married
Have kids
We can start a club and call it the one quarters club. I call treasurer.

I’ll be non-voting member at large.


Running your own boat. Not expecting people to do for you. Not acting like your problems should be solved or even be of interest to anyone else, all of whom have their own problems to deal with.

WTF? So a responsible mature (poor) adult is a boy because he doesn’t have money to waste on toys? I’ll say that’s not even close.

Um, sorry.

I guess I was thinking of all the many many conversations I’ve had with other women about men. My bad.

There’s a common denominator in all of your conversations about men.

Truth. There should be a way to space that shit out.

Having to get all of your tattoos referring to your “Rod of Lordly Might” corrected to read “Spongebob” is not for the faint of heart or the capable of introspection either.