What the FUCK, Fox Sports?!!?

Emmitt Smith is about to break the most heralded record in pro football and you can’t even cut away from the Atlanta-New Orleans game to show it live!!!

What the hell is wrong with you?

I saw the run on ESPNNEWS BEFORE I saw it on Fox.

Way to be on top of the ball.

Of course this is the same network that broke up Summeral & Madden, so I guess I shouldn’t expect much.

How about those stupid ads behind home plate in the World Series:

Boston Public
Bernie Mac

Gee, why not just put 'em in center field? Or on the players hats?
Or, holy cow, put NOTHING there?

Its also the network that put that ass-muncher McCarver in the booth. Is there a more dim-witted moron doing color anywhere in sports? Well, maybe…Dierdorf is still working.

Anyways, I agree about Emmitt. They must have been too busy mentioning for the 800th time that Aaron Brooks and Michael Vick are cousins.

FOX sports split screened to the run on the game I was watching (Chicago/Minn.?). I’m suprised.

Three cheers for NFL Sunday Ticket!! That’s the ONLY reason I got to see Emmitt’s record-breaking run. Where I live, any New Orleans or Atlanta game will preempt a Dallas game, so I would have been watching that instead of seeing my beloved Cowboys and I’d have missed the whole thing.

Too bad we lost the game anyway, but it was still a glorious moment!!

I lost faith in FOX sports when they introduced that damned glow puck.

I don’t know shit about sports, let alone US sports, or even what the hell you are specifically referring to, but…

Could it be that the channel that had a match playing did not want to interrupt it?

Could it be that for all the people complaining they DIDN’T break away, there would’ve been just as many (or more) who would complain if they HAD broken away?

They made a choice. One that was logical for a channel that was showing a game that was exclusively their own.

That’s just a thought - it may actually not be relevant to the facts, so please ignore it if such is so.

GuanoLad, that is exactly what happened. In US Football, most of the games are played on Sunday afternoon. 2 networks broadcast games at the same time, and they work to keep the audience informed about what is going on throughout the league. The record that was broken is considered a rather important one, and has been talked about ad nauseum for the last few weeks.

It is standard procedure for them to bring updates from other games, and they should have shown the highlight. Even if it had to be on replay for technical reasons, they should have shown it right away.

Since this is the Pit, I’ll go ahead and express myself:

Emmitt Smith sucks! The Dallas Cowturds suck!

Brett Favre and the Packers rule!

ducks and runs…

Imitating Fox Baseball Broadcaster: “Ok, so runners are on first and second nobody out and they are down by two runs. Here’s a question for the viewing audience. Should the Manager pick his nose and eat it or should the third base coach fix the weggie in his ass?”

3 Mins later: “Well the results are in. The viewing audience has voted in favor of the broadcasters commiting suicide for degrading their profession and annoying the fans to the extent that you can’t even watch a GD game without being interupted every five mins with meaningless questions and camera shots to the actors in the stands, who just happen to be appearing on Fox later in the week for their show’s season debut.”

You never heard of Joe Morgan???

I agree with your two choices, but Joe, aside from the great player he was, really sucks at ‘color man’. His monotone voice just totally makes me grind my teeth. :mad:

Actual Tim McCarve quote during the NLCS:

“With the count 3-1, Salmon has a much higher chance of reaching base now”

Even worse than the ads behind the plate, since there’s going to be an ad there anyway, is when they show the Fox stars in the stands. “Here’s the brat from Malcolm in the Middle”… “Here’s Calista Flockhart” (Make sure you show her when she’s eating something.

That is a commercial.

The glow puck was indeed a dark, dark chapter in the history of the NHL.