What the hell mom, throw the shoes out!

I just found out my mom fell a second time and hurt her nose and eye in these damn knockoff Crocs she likes, she already fell once before and hurt her hip in them!
This time she had to go to the hospital.

She sent my wife a pair and my wife almost slipped horribly, they have no grip on the bottom at all and on wet surfaces they become skies.

:eek:I was like you are still wearing those damn things?!

Did she get them at Wal-mart and wear them out of the store and slip on a faux crack in their parking lot?

No she fell in her driveway, she is also on chemo and is going to be in the hospital a few days because she is dehydrated and being given blood transfusions.

That sounds like a good incentive to throw them out.

It’s like when I bought a skateboard and broke my arm. Hey, free skateboard to good home!

In this case, throw the shoes out yourself.

Or while she is in the hospital, take them to a good shoe repairman who can install safety material on the soles.

I get tired of her not listening to a damn word I say, but she loves to whine about stuff to me. So I offer sensible and practical solutions that if they don’t solve the issue do make it better, which she then ignores totally and whines to me.

She actually called me right after her first chemo bag and told me I was wrong, and my sister was totally wrong, and see chemo was no big deal at all! She felt fine and dandy! :rolleyes: Now a week and a half later she has sworn she won’t complete it, she feels like it is killing her, and she feels betrayed because the doctor was so nice and he never mentioned it would be this bad(I begged her to ask him what to expect so she would understand it, she never did).

She also mentioned she was slightly anemic before the chemo but she wasn’t going to take the iron supplements RXed because she was afraid of constipation and didn’t think chemo was a big deal. She has been in and out of the ER for constipation and diarrhea, she will take the pain meds and get constipated go to the ER. Now she stops the pain meds and gets diarrhea go back to the ER, they RX lomotil which she did not understand I guess so it makes her constipated again go back to the ER. She has recently been having diarrhea and I realized she was taking laxatives that were meant to be taken with the pain meds:smack:

And they are thousands of miles away.:frowning: