I’m not necessarily interested in a comprehensive list, unless people really want to take the time to do it, but I’m curious as to what SDMB threads other people have on their subscriptions list. How many? What’s the oldest? What are your favorites?
I’ve gotten, ahem… a little carried away with my “subscribe” button as of late, and I’ve pretty much subscribed to most of the threads I’ve recently responded to, in case someone replies to my statement. (Knowing my luck, it’ll probably be to say I’m full of crap. )
Currently I’m subscribed to 90 threads including this one:
Several in the forum games category. Speak to Me Only in Movie Quotes, Bakers Dozen and Trivia Dominoes are my favorites, followed by Haiku Madness, Movie Quote Free Association and Questions Only. The latter thread, based on the “Whose Line” game, is one I started less than two weeks ago that’s already got 217 posts in it, which I think is kinda neat.
I subscribe to basically all the threads I’ve started, ever; my first post, if I remember correctly, was a thread-starter back in 2009 about why Coke tastes better in 2-liters than in 20-oz. bottles. (Results were inconclusive. Maybe I should re-submit the question).
Outside of the goofy thread games category: I follow the threads for the webcomics Questionable Content and The Order of the Stick, the tale of SeaDragon vs. The Masturbator, and “Say Dammit, Daddy”. This is nowhere near a comprehensive list. It’d be boring.
Oldest zombie subscribed to: How do you have sex with your dog in the room? from '07. I honestly don’t remember what search brought that result, but it’s too funny not to keep.