what time is it???? search engine busy?

Two questions: your clock and mine don’t coincide. Why not? (by the way, they usually do, and mine coincides with the radio)

Why is it that when I run a search, I get Website Not Responding? Too many people running searches at the same time? thanks. xo, C.

For example, my post above just said I posted at 4:43, but that was 10 minutes ago, and I just did it. WTF???

The server clock falls back over time.

The tech staff corrects it when they get to it, but it’s not a big item on their “to do” list.

your humble TubaDiva

As of one minute ago, it’s still not responding (at least for me).

The system has been a bit wonkier of late and quite a few people have complained of being timed out, etc.

We do apologize. I have asked the tech staff to look into the issue.

Looking at the latest Internet Traffic Report, I note that service is generally lousy in the heartland and many of the routers show an index of less than 50%, so the system between your computer and our server is doubtless compromised as well. There’s nothing we can do about that.


your humble TubaDiva