What TV show should Nathan Fillion do now?

Castle is done. :frowning:

Firefly looks impossible. :frowning:

So what next?

Two guys, a girl and a pizza place?


A guy can hope, right?


Spectrum 2016

He’s probably the only actor who can instantly ask for an receive a multi-million dollar role as a superhero in big budget movies, and be willing to play that part for the rest of his days. Whereas, for example, Robert Downey Jr. or Chris Pratt will probably want to move on to other things.

It looks like he’s been cast as Wonder Man in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. So that may be his next big thing.

OK, so which Marvel superhero that we haven’t seen in the movie universe should he be cast as? I mean, on the one hand he’d be perfect. On the other, I can’t think of any roles that would fit him.

A gay love story or gay porn. Either works for me.

Wonder Man? Lame. I mean, I’m sure he’ll be great, but Wonder Man is lame.

Wonder Man is lame.

Wonder Man played by Nathan Fillion would be great.

Green Lantern. (I know he’s not Marvel. But I want a Green Lantern TV series.)

I only know of GL from some brief descriptions right before the movie came out (which I didn’t watch). My understanding is that his ring allows him to create anything, from will. It also seems to involve a lot of dealing with aliens.

Overall, it sounds like a larger budget than a TV show could handle.

Right! Just like Captain Hammer was lame, but Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer was brilliant.

He’d also make a great Booster Gold.

Come to think of it, Fillion does have more of a DC vibe, somehow. The only reason I specified Marvel is that the DC movies are crap. But stick him into the Arrowflashverse…

The Swordsman.

Maybe they’ll cast him in the upcoming Star Trek series.

Or a remake of The Rockford Files.

Either that, or Aqua Man.

Rockford Files. YES!!!

That sounds like a great fit, I’d watch that.

There is in fact a Booster Gold movie in the works, by the same people who do the Flash and Arrow shows. Nathan Fillion would be the perfect fit.

Yeah, Jim Rockford. Absolutely. Jim Garner would approve. But who to play Angel? We need a new take. Margolin owned that role.

ETA: He’s still alive and working!

BJ McKay in the BJ and the Bear reboot.